

01月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[雅思口语 part2人物介绍一个家庭成员他是谁性格解释他]雅思口语part2人物类答题方法2, 关于人物性格的描述 (personality)。 很多同学都在回答的时候用到了 “热心的,善良的”, 即 kind-hearted, warm-hearted;还有同学会说到 “内向的...+阅读

This topic reminds me of a Japanese restaurant I often hit with friends. It has a typicalJapanese name which is Sakura. The restaurant is sharp opposite to my community gate, so enjoying the authentic gourmet there is just a piece of cake to me. As far as I know, this Sakura is the biggest as well as oldest one in Beijing as a member of the chain. Despite of its scale, the signboard is so small that you'll miss it easily when heading there for the first time. It's famous for both the interior decoration and the versatile chefs who can make tastyJapanese food. What attracts me most is of course the food. Sushi of flavors is highly recommended. Besides, the tuna sashimi takes

my fancy most. If you are fond of noodles, Japanese Ramen here is a must-taste! Actually, it originated from Chinese noodle, but has revised with Japanese preference. In winter, I often order a nabe, which is like a Chinese hot pot added with various vegetables and seafood. This is especially suitable for the cold days.


雅思口语需要准备那些话题雅思口语的话题千变万化,但仍可以大概归类为人、物、地、事四大类。 具体来说,人物类可分为老人、小孩、名人、老师、朋友、同时、邻居、家人以及成功的人,人物类的喜好类话题...

雅思口语人物勒布朗LeBron Raymone James (/ləˈbrɒn/; born December 30, 1984) is an American professional basketball player currently playing for the Cleveland Cavaliers of the N...


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雅思口语:描述一个比你年长的你所欣赏的人你可以从长相,穿着,性格,人物发兴趣爱好来描述,分析这个年长的人。注意,一定要抓住这个人的特点。 eg . he is tall,with black hair and big eyes,with some moustache on the f...

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如何积累自己的雅思口语素材库雅思口语考试备考中积累素材是非常重要的,雅思口语所有比较固定的问题,但在考试中遇到冷门问题还是很常见的,雅思口语考试的难度不断在增加,我们更要多准备些口语素材。 Part1部...
