

01月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[怎么能做好英语阅读啊]1、培养自己默读的习惯:朗读可以理解为文字经眼睛输入大脑,进行处理在通过发音器官发生,耳朵进行监听的过程。虽然这过程很快,但没有默读来的直接。 2、减少回读:减少不必要的回...+阅读

阅读是四级英语中重要的得分点和难点,对长难句的分析则决定了对阅读的彻底理解,也是学习语法,积累高级词汇、句型不可或缺的来源。而四级英语真题阅读部分均选自Times、Telegraph等著名外文报纸及杂志,其行文和词汇原汁原味,值得考生细细品味和灵活借鉴。 准备2014年6月英语四级的同学们,还等什么?赶快学起来吧!同时,欢迎各位考生针对例句的翻译及分析给出自己的理解哦! 1。

This has been due, in part, to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has invested $1。 8 billion in American high schools, helping to open about 1,000 small schools-most of them with about 400 kids each, with an average enrollment of only 150 per grade。 (2012。 阅读。 Text 1) 【译文】某种意义上说,这要归功于比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会向美国高中投资18亿美元,以帮助创办1000所小型学校,其中大部分学校仅收400名学生,每个年级平均只招收150人。

【析句】复合句。主句This has been due, in part to the Bill。 。。Foundation, in part作插入语,插在了短语due to中间。紧跟主句的是which引导的非限制性定语从句which has invested。。。schools。helping to open 1000 small schools为现在分词引导目的状语,且破折号后是对前句的进一步解释说明,most of them后带有两个with伴随状语。 2。 And most noticeable of all, there is the phenomenon of large urban and suburban high schools that have split up into smaller units of a few hundred, generally housed in the same grounds that once boasted thousands of students all marching to the same band。

(2012。 阅读。 Text 1) 【译文】最引人注意的是这种现象:较大的城市和郊区高中已经分成几百个更小型的学校。这些学校通常位于统一场地,一度有上千名学生同时去往同一个乐队。 【析句】复合句。主句there is the phenmenon of。 。。schools,that have split into。。。hundred作high schools的定语从句,housed in the same grounds为过去分词作定语,最后the same grounds后也有that引导的定语从句修饰。

3。 We are all seeking the same thing, which is schools that better serve our children and our nation by encouraging students to tackle tough subjects under the guidance of gifted teachers。 (2012。 阅读。 Text 1) 【译文】我们都有着同样的追求,那就是学校通过鼓励学生在资质优秀的教师的指导下解决难题,更好地为我们的孩子和国家服务。 【析句】复合句。主句We are all seeking the same thing, 紧随其后的是which引导的非限制性定语从句which is schools that better serve our children and our nation by encouraging students to tackle tough subjects。

。。, 具体来看,非限制性定语从句中,主句which is schools,that better serve。。。为定语从句修饰schools,by encouraging。。。为介词短语作方式状语。


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