

01月04日 编辑 39baobao.com


The fox set on eggs the fox belly to be hungry, then everywhere looked for the thing to eat. He east flips in the riverside thick patch of grass, west looks, sees unexpectedly to a big duck egg! a fox run-up, grasps vigorously the egg, puts impatiently it between lips. By now in the head actually had a sound, said: “you want to score a goose egg, fat toot toot small duck?” the fox decided that hatches the duck, is eating greatly. He up to one's ass sits on the egg, but jumps immediately: “will not be like this will give the egg the implosion?” he thought that a great idea, then in ground turns to pick the hole. The fox places the egg crowds the hay Dongkou, lies prone tightly before the fingernail and the latter fingernail before hole rear area, only then the soft belly turns round gently on the duck egg. This idea thought the good - egg can have plenty of food and clothing, not by the implosion, but this posture too likely torture, less than five minutes, fox's four limbs then painful being able bear. the fox thinks of a great idea. He picks to a long bark. He self-satisfied their masterpiece, had not thought in pursues rabbit's time, the bark pine falls, almost for destroyed the treasure egg. the fox is mad places the egg between lips, thought that a stuttering falls considers as finished. Which knew at this time just the egg is hatched, gives birth a health lively small duck. What had not thought that the small duck breaks through suddenly toward fox's nose point: “mother! Mother!” the fox has been scared, stutter said: “I, I am not your mother, I, I am male, can only be daddy.”“daddy! Daddy!”The small duck climbed up fox's nose. the small duck eats the belly cyclic, drills to under fox's claw, the sleepy eyes said dimly: “thanks you, daddy, I good loves you, daddy.” the fox also sighs: “has been short the western-style food, many sons, this was my life?”


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