

01月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语口语入门怎么学习]现在我能说上一口流利的英语,全靠的是睿思博,想想以前我的英语水平,真是不敢恭维。我是 属于那种基础特别差的,但是没办法我是做酒店管理的,经常要与一些外国客户交流,必须的会英...+阅读

The words i want to tell you are more than i can think of

其实我有千言万语想对你说但一时又不知从哪里开始 i can't give you anything but real feeling

我能给你的只有真实的感受 there is no one like you give your gentle and mention for me

从来没有人对我像你这样温柔和体贴 so i must cling to your hand and to cross the spring grass to smell warm together

所以我必须要握紧你的手,和你一起走过春天的草地,感受那份温馨 this is just you and it's life i wanted





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