[我美国留学签证被拒签两次]1. 首先被拒签之后您是可以随时去签的,关键要看您约束力是否比上次有所增强,如果约束力相对于上次增加了,随时都可以再签的。 2. 如果您什么都不改变,也就是约束力相对于上次没...+阅读
1) 对去美国的目的提问.What will you study in the United States? What will you do in USA? What are you going to study in USA? What are you going to do in USA? Are you going to study in USA? What do you want to study in USA?ANS:I will study for my Ph.D in Mathematics in the University of Florida.2) 对学习专业提问. What is your major? In what aspect of. your major will you study?ANS:My major of undergraduate and graduate study is Applied Mathematics. I will continue to study Mathematics for my Ph.D. in the University of Florida. My specified field of study will be Algorithm and Mathematical Modeling.3) 对现有学位提问.When/where did you get your BS/MS?ANS:I got my Bachelor's degree in 1997 from Central University for Nationality. I will get my Master's degree in Mathematics in few days from Beijing Normal University.4) 对现在的行为和地点提问.What/where are you studying now?ANS:I am now studying for my Master's degree in Mathematics in Beijing Normal University.5) 对留美时间提问How long will you study in USA?ANS:About 5 years. My future advisor said that if I work hard I can get my ph.D within a shorter time.6) 对奖学金提问Have you gotten any scholarship?ANS:Yes. I have gotten teaching assistantship from the department.7) 对学习计划提问What do you do with your work for BS/MS/Phd?ANS:I will take courses, teaching, do research,and finish my thesis in the area of Algorithm and Mathematical Modeling to get my Ph.d in Mathematics in 5 years.8) 签证目的提问 What is your purpose for this visa?ANS:I need a F-1 visa in order to study for my Ph.D degree in Mathematics in the University of Florida. I plan to finish my study in about 5 years and then come back to china.9) 对背景提问 What is your academic background?ANS:From 1993 to 1997 I studied in Central University for Nationality for my Bachelor's degree. Since September 1997 I have been studying in Beijing Normal University for my master's degree. I will graduate and get my Master's degree in few days.
乌克兰留学签证申请需要什么材料呢1、签证申请需要留学生提供普通因私护照,申请时需将护照的有效页全部进行复印。 2、签证的申请需要留学生已经获得乌克兰高等院校的入学通知书,在申请签证时,要提供入学通知书...
去塞浦路斯如何签证去塞浦路斯的签证分为三种:旅游签证,商务签证和探亲访友签证,下面对三种进行分别叙述,所列条目如下:A、旅游签证: 一.申请塞浦路斯旅游签证应提供以下材料: 01.护照原件(有效期需6个...
英国留学签证有哪些步骤第一部分:填表须知 本表格为必要的英国签证材料,免费索取,请用黑色墨水笔填写,必要的地方在方框内打勾短期居留的申请人须填写本表所有的内容 长期居留的申请人须填写1-22项并填...
英国留学签证申请的详细流程有哪些在线填写申请表 在预约之前,需要在线填写一份申请表格。 填写完成后,打印表格并在表格上签名。如果使用网上支付服务,需打印Worldpay发的确认函并一起带去签证申请中心作为已付...
英国留学签证有哪些申请步骤第一:完整填写签证申请表格。 第二:文件准备 1、检查您本人、父亲和母亲的姓名是否用拼音和中文填写; 2、检查CCC编码是否写在拼音姓名的下方; 3、检查您的地址是否用拼音和中文...
英国留学生签证如何申请、首先,我们先了解一下英国留学签证的类别。 我要在线咨询 英国留学签证,主要分为以下三种类别。 Tier 4(General)—普通学生签证 16周岁及以上的学生,到英国就读全日制课程 (一...
高中赴澳大利亚留学申请签证的要求有哪些呢澳大利亚留学签证申请的基本条件: 初中毕业生:入读10年级时年龄不超过18周岁,入读11年级时年龄不超过19周岁。 澳洲高中不允许跳读。例如学生赴澳时初中毕业,那就不能读澳洲11年...
美国留学签证面试问题有哪些:在美国的学习为短期行为,在中国有经济、家庭、事业上强有力的联系,会在学习结束后回中国。 B:自己有学术能力完成学业,并有经济能力完成学业,在美国期间不会被退学,不会外出打工。...