

01月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英国金融硕士专业有哪些比较好的学校]金融类专业向来是中国学生到英国求学的热门专业。英国金融硕士专业有哪些比较好的学校?下面请看教育优选专家为大家详细介绍,希望对大家有所帮助。 这有赖于伦敦是世界最大金...+阅读

这个是英国泰晤士报最新的会计/金融专业排名。希望对你有帮助!1 Warwick 5*B 457 77% 85% 1002 London School of Economics 5*A 464 72% 87% 99.83 Exeter 5D 370 91% 80% 99.44 Loughborough 4C 397 87% 83% 98.75 Edinburgh 5A 452 78% 75% 97.96 Manchester 5*A 396 80% 70% 97.87 Strathclyde 5C 414 82% 82% 97.78 Glasgow 5C 426 79% 86% 96.99 Lancaster 5*B 386 83% 67% 96.610 City 5C 380 82% 81% 95.811 Queen's Belfast 4B 389 80% 83% 95.512 Nottingham 5B 403 75% 85% 95.313 Birmingham 4D 380 86% 73% 93.714 Dundee 4A 322 83% 66% 92.215 Hull 4C 316 82% 79% 91.616 Bangor 5B 283 82% 73% 91.317 Newcastle 5D 401 76% 81% 9118 Aberdeen 4B 342 71% 90.519 Robert Gordon 331 94% 90.420 Southampton 4B 381 71% 83% 89.721 Bristol 5B 408 68% 81% 89.622 East Anglia 3aC 330 84% 68% 89.2=22 Leeds 5C 396 72% 79% 89.224 Stirling 5B 284 71% 89.125 Cardiff 5B 366 76% 63% 88.726 Durham 5A 332 69% 78% 8827 Sheffield 4B 358 75% 71% 87.928 Kent 3aC 327 75% 77% 85.329 Heriot-Watt 4D 346 73% 75% 84.130 De Montfort 3aC 244 83% 61% 83.831 Bradford 4C 223 82% 62% 83.732 Reading 348 78% 77% 83.433 Liverpool 3aA 374 75% 49% 8334 Central Lancashire 3bE 260 81% 70% 8235 Ulster 3aD 308 77% 65% 81.936 Portsmouth 4C 244 77% 58% 80.637 Nottingham Trent 3bD 224 74% 84% 80=37 West of England 5E 242 77% 67% 8039 Essex 5C 292 67% 71% 79.840 Salford 3aB 295 74% 54% 79.2=40 Queen Mary, London 323 75% 70% 79.242 Aberystwyth 3bC 286 79% 47% 78.343 Glasgow Caledonian 4F 261 79% 60% 78.244 Liverpool John Moores 3bE 231 78% 64% 77.545 Glamorgan 3bD 236 74% 67% 7746 Northumbria 330 76% 58% 76.847 Napier 3bE 67% 76.7=47 Bournemouth 259 80% 59% 76.749 Oxford Brookes 288 77% 62% 76.650 Birmingham City 233 80% 61% 76.351 Keele 284 73% 71% 75.952 East London 172 81% 64% 75.4=52 Gloucestershire 238 77% 63% 75.454 Sheffield Hallam 3aF 260 79% 50% 75.355 Wolverhampton 187 81% 62% 75.256 Brighton 3aE 242 75% 55% 74.557 Northampton 224 81% 51% 74.358 West of Scotland 5F 306 50% 74.159 Kingston 249 78% 53% 73.860 Manchester Metropolitan 246 75% 57% 72.861 London South Bank 3aE 171 79% 45% 71.462 Coventry 228 75% 55% 71.3=62 Huddersfield 3bE 232 73% 52% 71.364 Bedfordshire 159 84% 42% 71.265 Greenwich 3bF 172 78% 47% 70.566 Plymouth 3bE 255 75% 38% 70.467 Lincoln 241 73% 53% 70.268 Hertfordshire 240 72% 55% 69.969 Middlesex 3aE 173 72% 50% 68.270 Derby 207 75% 44% 67.871 UWIC, Cardiff 241 75% 36% 67.472 Southampton Solent 177 72% 56% 67.373 Staffordshire 227 68% 53% 66.874 Leeds Metropolitan 257 64% 49% 64.1


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求英国金融与计算机前50名的专业大学排名!times的金融学排名1 Warwick 华威大学 2 Lancaster 兰卡斯特大学 3 Bath 巴斯大学 4 Strathclyde 思杰莱斯克莱德大学 5 LSE 伦敦政经 5 Loughborough 拉夫堡大学 7 Exeter...

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