

01月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[医学正副高级职称考试条件是什么](一)正高申报条件 1、2004年7月底以前取得大学本科以上学历后,2004年底以前受聘副高职务(满5年)。 2、大学普通班毕业后,2002年底以前受聘副高职务(满7年)。 (二)副高申报条件 1、获得...+阅读

According to a new data,about 5%-%10 of the Breast Cancer is hereditary,and other 90%-95% of this cancer is sporadic.BRCA1 and BRCA2 are new significantly high breast cancer susceptibility genes that have been discovered in recent years,what's more, about 80% of the Hereditary breast cancer and part of the Sporadic breast cancer are Closely related to these new discovered genes,which works in the process of DNA Damage repair,Transcriptional regulation,Cell cycle regulation and other important pathway to inhibit tumor,make sure of the maintenance of genome stability.The result of the study shows that in Xinjiang Uygur women's sporadic breast cancer,The positive expression rate of BRCA1 and BRCA2 were 49.0% and 50.0%,significantly lower than that of breast fibroadenoma group.(86.7%and83.3),which proves that BRCA1 and BRCA2's missing expression or Reduced expression are related to Breast tumor from benign to malignant transformation and Malignant biological behavior of breast cancer,playing a important part in the occurrence and development of the process of the breast cancer. By now,the specific mechanism of this phenomenon is not clear,what we think about now is that upstream regulatory region may be related to abnormal methylation caused a reduction in the level of transcription, resulting in DNA repair, transcription regulation and to maintain genome stability weakened or disappeared, resulting in loss of tumor suppressor role of participation in the development of breast cancer.4,Previous studies showed that different regions, between ethnic BRCA1, BRCA2 mutation, or protein expression of a large difference. The results of this study show the Victoria region of Xinjiang, Chinese women with sporadic breast cancer BRCA1, BRCA2 protein expression were significant differences exist. This may be related to the following reasons:1,Xinjiang Uygur is white, and the Han in the genetic background of the same ethnic origin does not belong to different ethnic;2,Uygur and Han Chinese are not only different in genetic background, racial and ethnic differences, but also the existence of the physical environment and cultural background, customs and food culture of life factors have many differences 5,The study found Han and Uygur Xinjiang prevalence rate of women with breast cancer there is a big difference. Xinjiang Uygur women for sporadic breast cancer BRCA1, BRCA2 protein expression results in a certain extent reflects the characteristics of the Uighur women in breast cancer.Reported in the literature to carry BRCA1, BRCA2 gene mutations in women with breast cancer in their lifetime, the risk of ovarian cancer increased significantly to 70-year-old occurred when the cumulative risk of breast cancer forecast to reach about 80%.The results of this study showed that women Xinjiang Uygur patients with sporadic breast cancer, BRCA1 expression was lost in the ≤ 40-year-old early-onset breast cancer for 58.6%,>41-year-old group was 33.8%, between the two groups, there was a significant differences reported in the literature .Show that the loss of BRCA1 protein expression with the Uighur women in early-onset breast cancer is closely related to the occurrence. At the same time, the results of this study also showed that the Uighur women in sporadic breast cancer, BRCA1 expression with the loss of the number of patients with axillary lymph node metastasis as well as the period of increased disease and a marked increase, indicating that loss of BRCA1 expression indicates a higher degree of tumor malignancy and prognosis than poor.HER-2 and BRCA1 are localized in human chromosome 17q21 on the proliferation and differentiation of cells to adjust the 【8】, in breast cancer the amplification and over-expression and the development of breast cancer is closely related to patients with breast cancer survival was very short, easy on the recurrence and metastasis. Current HER-2, BRCA1 and BRCA2 expression mechanism is not clear.The results of this study showed that women in the Han Chinese sporadic breast cancer, BRCA1, BRCA2 expression with HER-2 expression shows that there are some different relevance, especially when the expression of HER-2 negative when. Uighur women in sporadic breast cancer no obvious relevance, given choice and may be associated with a relatively small number of cases related to.BRCA1-related breast cancer ER, PR, HER-2 expression more negative, with early age of onset, the high incidence of bilateral breast cancer, a high degree of malignancy, characterized by poor prog...


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