

12月11日 编辑 39baobao.com

[2017年八一建军节90周年演讲词]2017年八一建军节90周年演讲词篇【1】 八月一日是中国人民解放军建军节。1927年8月1日的南昌起义,打响了中国共产党武装反抗国民党反动派的第一枪,标志着中国进入了中国共产党...+阅读

The most critical three minutes in aa speech are the very first three minutes. Unfortunately,many people think that the first thre minutes are just the introductory part of the speech. Therefore,during preparation and rehearsal of the speech,they tend to ignore their imprortance.

This conception is totally wrong. If we pare giving a speech to piloting an airport,the first three minutes of a speech are like the takeoff of the airplane.We all know that the takeoff is the most critical of piloting;so how e we ignore tne importance of the first three minutes of a speech?

The first three minutes are unique. First,the audience's attention is naturally high because their concentration level decreases as the time elapses. If an audience loses interests in the speaker during the first few minutes,no matter how hard the speaker tries in later part of the speech,there is litter chance that he can regain his audience's attention. Second,a speaker only has one chance to make a first impression,they are a speaker's best opportunity to win an audience.

In line with the nature of the first three minutes,there are at least two goals that a speaker should achieve during this period:to grab the audience's attention,and to establish his credibility. In sum,you need to make an excellent first impression.

How to grab the audience's attention? Before I tell you the successful ways,I want to tell you what is doomed to be a failing start-up line:"Good morning,ladies and gentlemen." No audience would ever listen to it because they he heard it for thousands of time. It is boring! Try to open with a line that make them listen. For example,you can say "How many of you in tjis room he used inter this week?" or"Do you kown what if industry will be developing at threefold speed for the next ten years?" Just remember,your start-up line needs not to be outrageous to draw attention;it just needs to be interesting.

Many things can be intereting to the audience. A ment on some current local or national events will surely get them interested. Especiall effective are current relating to retail price,housing,car,and fashion.Humor and anecdote he the same efect because laughing gets the audience feeling relaxed and ready to hear your story. However,keep them short and to the point since unprehensible jokes that he nothing to do with the topic sometimes offend certain people. Morever,question are great because they require an answer. Ask someting,a little mysterious about the auidence ,such as"How many of you plant flowers at home?" But remember,beginning part of you speech is to grab attention. Therefore,se elaboration of your topic for the middle section of your speech. At the beginning,you should say a step ahead of the audience. This doesn'tmean talk fast;it means do not stammer when telling stories or making points. In one word,keep everything during the first three minutes brief.

doom 注定,命定

stammer 口吃,结巴


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