

03月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求一篇两分钟的英语演讲]A Young Idler,An Old Beggar Almost everyone knows the famous Chinese saying:A young idler,an old beggar. Throughout history,we have seen many cases in which thi...+阅读

good afternoon, Ladies and gentlemen . The title of my speech is " The development of traditional culture " : The 21st century has started a new history . Great changes have taken place in the world because of the prosperous development of technology and science . Maybe some of you have noticed that more and more people around us have started to learn a second language besides English . But maybe you will ask me “Isn't it a good thing ?” No , absolutely not . It certainly meets the objective request of the economic globalization .But while we accept the western culture,some of us lost themselves in the 'cultural sea'.The terrible ending will makes us lose our own traditional culture . So ,the cultural globalization which is caused by economic globalization may be harmful to our country's scientific development. As is well known to all , culture is the pillar of science .But under the situation of globalization ,there are two extreme phenomena . One is some people call 'Mr West ' 。

They accept western culture without any judgement , and they don't care whether it is good or not . For instance ,maybe someone has found that western festivals are more and more popular such as VALENTINE'S DAY. At the same time ,Chinese traditional festivals are fading away in our memories .we can't image how a country could develop with its own culture lost. Well , another is called ' Mr Old ' , in the contrary , they refuse to accept any other cultures , they blame that cultural globalization is a disaster . To our surprise , they absolutely don't know that exchanging culture can advance the development of science and technology .


这个还是需要培养的吧,你可以尝试着看过一篇文章或书等作品多和朋友聊聊,给朋友重述一遍故事情节,谈谈你读到的思想,感受,还是要培养多思考的习惯吧,看了一堆文字,不要光看,还要试着理解。 这个看了你写的真的很想帮你,可我也不是什么专家,大学也没学语文了,不需要阅读理解了,除了英语,但学习肯定都要看书,理解其中意思,理解力的确很重要。可你不要先否定自己,总觉得自己很差劲,其实没什么难的,刚开始你说听不懂别人说话,我还以为是因为你紧张与别人交流,因此会听不懂,我想无论是交谈还是阅读先让自己冷静头脑清醒,注意聆听或阅读,不要总一个字一个字地抠,要连成句子,连成段落,连成文章,逐步整合,在文章整体环境中理解作者的思想意图,写作框架 还是得靠自己磨练了,我们光动嘴皮子也帮不上什么忙啊,有些同学就是语文不好啊,可能不擅长吧,把握好自己擅长的东西啊


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