

03月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[人教PEP六年级英语下册期末测试试卷]一、听录音,选出相符合的一项,并将选项填在题前的括号里。(每小题1分,共10分) ( ) 1. A. taller B .tall C. doll ( ) 2.A. matter B .match C. metter ( ) 3.A. nose B. rose C....+阅读

color represents life beautiful happy moments. Painting a bleak color represents life difficult, unpleasant time. You may find a flat with a beautiful road is not very good yet, but I do not think it will. If a person lives flat then what is the point? Life is only a short few decades, I want it to go Finally, Each memory is a solid.

Dear Tom:

I am glad to hear from you .Spring Festival is coming. This is the most important festival of the year. It is a time when all the family gets together.

When we are preparing for Spring Festival, there are many special traditions. We always clean our houses from top to bottom, paint the window frames of the house with red paint. This is another


Unit 1:tall—taller更高的 short—shorter 更矮的 strong—stronger更强壮的 old—older 年龄更大的 young—younger 更年轻的 big—bigger更大的heavy—heavier 更重的 long—longer 更长的 thin—thinner 更瘦的 small—smaller (体型)更小的

Unit 2:have a fever 发烧 have a sore throat喉咙疼 have a cold感冒 have a toothache 牙疼 have a headache 头疼 matter事情,麻烦 sore 疼的 hurt疼痛 nose 鼻子 tired疲劳的,累的 excited兴奋的 angry生气的 happy高兴的 bored无聊的,烦人的 sad 忧伤的,悲伤的

Unit 3:watch—watched 看 wash—washed 洗 clean—cleaned打扫 play—played玩 visit—visited 看望 do—did last weekend上一个周末 go—went去 go to a park—went to a park 去公园 go swimming—went swimming去游泳 go fishing—went fishing去钓鱼 read—read 读 go hiking—went hiking 去郊游

Unit 4:learn Chinese—learned Chinese学汉语 sing and dance—sang and danced 唱歌和跳舞 eat good food—ate good food吃好吃的食物take pictures—took pictures 照相 climb—climbed 爬 have—had buy presents—bought presents买礼物 row a boat—rowed a boat 划船 see elephant—saw elephant 看大象 go skiing—went skiing 去滑雪

go ice-skating—went ice-skating 去滑冰 how怎么,如何 get—got 到达 last上一个的


PEP五年级下册英语笔试部分(65分) 一、 读一读,找出画线部分读音不一致的单词。(5分) 1、( )A、May B、play C、says D、day 2、( )A、bear B、wear C、where D、near 3、( )A、cloud B、group C、coup D...

六年级下册英语知识点PEPI buy a skirt. I bought a skirt. We go to the store. We went to the store. He play basketball. He played basketball. I wang to learn. I wanted to learn. I eat a...

小学PEP六年级下册英语单词表u1 taller.shorter.stronger.older.younger.cm.than.little.tail.think,funnierkg.bigger.heavier.longer.thinner.heavier.longer.thinner,smalller.feet.size.wear,meter,...

pep小学英语六年级下册56页翻译一张来自迈克的明信片 亲爱的---- 这张名明信片向你展示的是一张我的----照片。我们去了自然----。我们看到了绿色的----和美丽干净的----。哪儿的人不多。明天我们要去一个...

2016优化设计六年级下册英语pep40页作文题目A modern Chinese wedding is worth mentioning of its ceremony. Above all, marriage is one of the three most important of human's life. Of course, bridgeroom and...

人教版PEP小学六年级英语下册单词表急!Unit 1 tall[tɔ:l]—taller[tɔ:lə]更高的 short[ʃɔ:t]—shorter [ʃɔ:tə]更矮的 strong [strɔŋ]—stronger [strɔŋə]更强壮的 old[əuld]—older [əuldə]年龄更大...

pep四年级下册英语短文A:Where is my skirt? M:What colour is it ? A:Blue. M:It is your skirt,Alice? A:Yes,it is.Thank you. D:Where is my T-shirt? M:Is that your T-shirt,Dad? D:Whose i...

pep小学英语六年级下册第25页翻译是 STORY TIME 吗? 1.Zoom:Zip,这个周末让我们一起去滑雪吧。 Zip:对不起,我将要和我的父母去长途旅行。我非常开心。 Zoom:噢噢。Zip享受你的旅行吧。 2.Zoom:我无聊。 Mother:Zo...

PEP四年级英语下册所有单词PEP四年级英语下册所有单词,PEP英语小学四年级下册期末考试卷人教版急急急!!不是) not(不;踢) football(足球) snowy(下雪的) sunny(晴朗的) Unit 5 how much(多少钱) big(大的) small(小的) lo...
