

02月25日 编辑 39baobao.com



A mountain front, look at it like long wall, from the side like a steep mountain. Far and near, it seems that the height has changed.Once, someone get a famous hand painted peony, after going back, happy to hang in the living room. See this person a friend, shouted unlucky, because this peony did not draw a complete, lack of a part, but peony symbolizes wealth, lack of a corner, wouldn't it be "riches and honour is not completely"??This person looks too surprised, thought that the peony missing side is not complete, please get back to redraw a painter.The artist to listen to his reasons, ha ha laugh, tell this person, since the peony represents wealth, then 。yanjiangwang。com。 the lack of edge, is not rich infinite degree?The man listened to his explanation, feel rational, happily holding the peony painting back.The same picture, because the mentality is different, will have a different view. So, everything should be hold a positive attitude, to the benefit of the thought, do not see what is not pleasing to the eye, to learn to look at the issue from another angle, so there would be less trouble and pain, whining, more joy, peace.

action speak louder than words英语演讲

Words and actions are two kinds of emotional behaviors. It is ironic(讽刺的) that some people are always talking. But they are doing nothing. As a consequence, I completely agree with the statement:" Actions speak louder than words" because of the reasons presented below.

Diligence is better than laziness, intelligence than foolishness, honesty than dishonesty, anybody acknowledges that fact. But in this life, many people know the good without following it, the evil(罪恶) without avoiding it. For instance, they still smoke, even though they know it is bad. Nobody can rival them in speaking, yet their behaviors are undeserving. Therefore, it is easy to speak but difficult to act.

Moreover, if you,just talk without your specific actions, you will become a boastful person to people. People could possibly look down on you. Then, what should you do? You must act. If you act without words, you can become an astute and intelligent person. People will not compare you to those talkative, and useless. That is the best way to behave in community.

In conclusion, words is nothing but words. Actions is the way to make people admire you. Do not talk much, just act, because actions speak louder than words.


里查呗西汉时候,有个十分好学的青年叫匡衡,但因家境贫寒无钱点灯,一到夜晚他家屋内一片漆黑,没法读书。怎么办呢?一天晚上,他见隔壁人家点着蜡烛,就在墙壁上悄悄地凿了一个小孔,让微微透过洞口的烛光映在书上,就这样,他每天晚上都借邻居的灯光读书,直到邻居熄灯为止。 匡衡就是这样在学习条件很差的客观环境中,千方百计克服困难,创造条件,学到了知识,后来成为西汉有名的学者。这说明,外界环境和条件,是人们学习的重要因素,但不是决定因素,一个人要取得成绩,关键在于自己的刻苦努力。 东汉时候,有个人名叫孙敬,是著名的政治家。他年轻时勤奋好学,经常关起门,独自一人不停地读书。 每天从早到晚读书,常常是废寝忘食。读书时间长,劳累了,还不休息。

时间久了,疲倦得直打瞌睡。 他怕影响自己的读书学习,就想出了一个特别的办法。古时候,男子的头发很长。他就找一根绳子, 一头牢牢的绑在房梁上。当他读书疲劳时打盹了,头一低,绳子就会牵住头发,这样会把头皮扯痛了, 马上就清醒了,再继续读书学习。 这就时孙敬悬梁的故事。 战国时期,有一个人名叫苏秦,也是出名的政治家。在年轻时,由于学问不多不深,曾到好多地方做事, 都不受重视。回家后,家人对他也很冷淡,瞧不起他。这对他的刺激很大。所以,他下定决心,发奋读书。 他常常读书到深夜,很疲倦,常打盹,直想睡觉。他也想出了一个方法,准备一把锥子,一打瞌睡, 就用锥子往自己的大腿上刺一下。这样,猛然间感到疼痛,使自己清醒起来,再坚持读书。

这就使苏秦"刺股"的故事。 〔注〕:从孙敬和苏秦两个人读书的故事引申出"悬梁刺股"这句成语,用来比喻发奋读书,刻苦学习的精神。 他们这种努力学习的精神是好的,但是他们这种发奋学习的方式方法不必效仿。


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