
牛津小学英语书三年级上第三单元 story time和cartoon time课文

02月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

[2012年五年级英语上册第三单元测试题]一、 听录音,给下列图片标号做(10分) 二、选择你听到的单词。(10分) 三、听录音,选出你听到的句子。 ( )1. A. I’d like some hamburgers. B. They’re tasty. ( )2. A.I l...+阅读

牛 津 小 学 英 语 5 A 四 会 单 词

Unit 1:day、all、a reading room、sure、floor、a garden、a house、a flower

天 、全部、阅览室、有把握的、层、花园、房子、花

Unit 2:live、a study、a bedroom、large、beside、a wall、between、a bed、under、behind、a door


Unit 3:a lesson、a song、sing、dance、play、learn、listen、swim、make、ride、put、can


Unit 4:a family、things、a vase、a horse、a chicken、a duck、a pig、evenings、need、work、a candle


Unit 6:morning、ring、sweep、Maths、sleep、jump、run、walk、help…with、wash clothes


Unit 7:class、over、say、a newspaper、chess、laugh、after school、look for、a picture book、play with


Unit 8:a tent、a pot、a towel、a hill、a tin of、children、fat、thin、show


Unit 9:a square、a star、a heart、a shape、a circle、the sun、the moon、paper、Art、teach、fly、us


译林牛津苏教新教版then and now课文

whether we keep a diary or not. I think that it will be of interest to every one of us hereafter. There had, on each occasion, been a preliminary stage during which war seemed to become every hour more inevitable, there had been announcements in the newspapers and speeches in the House of Commons; but what interested me particularly was to hear stories of the actual moment at which any given individual became conscious that we had passed from the sunlight of peace into the night of war; on each occasion, September 19392 — I have often asked my friends to tell me in what way, and in what manner, they first became aware that Great Britain was at warThen and Now

Harold Nicolson

During the 25 years which have intervened between the First and Second German Wars — that is, between the night of 4 August 19141 and the morning of Sunday

译林牛津版三起英语三上Unit 5 Look at me三V2 0高清

[译林牛津版](三起)英语三上_Unit 5 Look at me(三)(V2.0)高清完整版下载地址:




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