

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[走过1岁之前重要的6级台阶]第1级台阶分娩前夕 积累抚育理论 初为人父人母,许多人都不禁要问:怎样做一个真正合格的父亲母亲呢?他们回想起自己幼年时期父母的一些做法,觉得其中有些方法并不可取,所以特别希...+阅读

On the Importance of Details

There is an saying, details determine your fate, which emphasises the inportance of details. Surely, whether a man will be successful depends largely on his attention to the details in his life.

Keeping an eye on details may help you in many ways. For instance, when we are small, we are very careless and there are many mistakes in our homework. But if we pay much attention to these little things, we will get a higher mark. What's more, when we make decisions, making every detail clear will reduce risks. Besides, if you care about the details in your life around you, you may have more chance to find out other people's ploblems and help them.

However, in our daily life, not everyone knows the inportance of details. And they sometimes ignore them, thus leading to bad results. Actually, caring about details is a person's habit. You will never get changed in one day. So from now on, start to learn this habit,and I'm sure that you will benefit from it.


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