

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com


Good morning, to one and all. Its my honor to stand before you to speak a few words. Time is both precious and irreversible. One can always wait for it, but never hold it forever. This, is the high time of your life. Each and every second weigh more than gold. This, is what you should hold most dear at this very moment of your life. Keep your head straight for only a single thought: my future, my dream! Because its all your attitude that matters. Believe in your dreams, believe in yourselves. Then you are half the way there. Nothing can beat you.Everyone's the strongest when they have a faith, a belief, a strong mind! Think about your good life thereafter. Think about the bright things going to happen to you. Yes. So you have to workhard NOW. Wont you hope to spend only a hardworking year in exchange of your cosy life then on? I think yes, you will, and you wish to. Just one year, only one year, you will have all what you want! Come on! (我也是高三学生 :P)


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