

02月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[二年级上册语文书课文识字四每个成语的典故]1,草木皆兵 东晋时,前秦皇帝符坚率大军入侵东晋,后大败,回国途中他感到极度恐惧,觉得山上的树木都是东晋的追兵,故有“草木皆兵”的说法 2,背水一战 楚汉相争时,韩信率兵攻打韩国,他...+阅读

PEP五年级上册重点句子 1. --- Who's your English teacher? --- Mr. Carter. 2. --- What's he like? --- He's tall and strong. 3. --- Is she quiet? --- No, she isn't. She is very active. 4. --- Is she strict? --- Yes, she is, but she's very kind. 5. --- What day is it today? --- It's Wednesday. 6. --- What do you have on Thursdays? --- We have English, math and science on Thursdays. 7. --- What do you do on Saturdays? --- I watch TV on Saturdays. 8. --- What about you? --- I do my homework. 9. --- What do you have for lunch on Mondays? --- We have tomatoes, tofu and fish. 10. --- What's your favourite fruit? --- They're sweet. 11. I like fruit. But I don't grapes. They're sour. 12. --- What can you do? --- I can sweep the floor. / I can cook the meals. / I can water the flowers. 13. --- Can you make the bed? --- No, I can't. 14. --- Can you use a computer? --- Yes, I can. 15. There are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room. 16. There is a mirror, a bed and a big closet. 17. The closet is near the table. Many clothes are in the closet. 18. The trash bin is behind the door. 19. --- Is there a forest in the park? --- Yes, there is. 20. --- Is there a river? --- No, there isn't. 21. --- Are there any pandas in the mountains? --- No, there aren't. 22. --- Are there any fish in the rivers? --- Yes, there are.


语文二年级上册第一篇课文是秋游还是秋天的图画人教版小学语文二年级上册第一课是《秋天的图画》。 “人教版”一般是就教科书意义而言的,是相对于其他出版社出版的教科书而言的。如广东教育出版社出版的教科书称为“粤教...

二年级语文上册所有古诗二年级·上册 赠刘景文(苏轼)、山行(杜牧)、回乡偶书(贺知章)、赠汪伦(李白) 二年级·下册 赋得古原草送别(白居易)、宿新市徐公店(杨万里)、望庐山瀑布(李白)、绝句(杜甫) 赠刘景文 朝代:宋...

20分求初三英语毕业演讲稿As time passes by,we're going to say goodbye now.Although it is the moment everybody doesn't want, but we have to face it.We've already stayed together for thre...

英语演讲应该注意什么啊演讲六大注意事项 1.何谓善用空间的演讲 所谓空间就是指进行演说的场所范围、演讲者所在之处以及与听众间的距离等等。演说者所在之处以位居听众注意力容易汇集的地方最为理...

英语演讲比赛有什么需要注意的身体一定要站直,抬头挺胸。面部表情自然,略带微笑。一定要站在镜子面前多多练习。整个人要从内心发出自信的光芒。连一定要对这听众。——这是形态上面需要注意的地方 当然,最...

英语要听懂常速一般电视电影演讲需要的词汇量是多少左右有没难度上讲,易到难。 VOA常速的最简单,电视电影的最难。 材料一般用standard voa 就行了。PUT,可可, VOA的语速一般在140-160之间。电视电影的完全是说话语速,快慢差别很大,140-200...

PEP小学英语教案求助谁有PEP五年级上册unit 4 pary A lets learnunit 4 ☆:cook the meals water the flowers sweep the floor clean the bed room make the bed set the table wash the cloths do the dishes use the computer黑体:empty...

急急急!pep版小学五年级上册英语第一课的课文。。。。A部分: LET'S TALK. Amy:Who's your math teacher? Chen:Mr Zhao. Amy:What's he like? Chen:He's thin and short,He's very kind. READ AND WRITE. Zhang:I have three new...

pep小学英语五年级上册第五单元视频Read and write的汉语Teacher:It's time to go. Where is John? Is he playing chess? 时间到了可以走了。约翰在哪里?他正在下棋吗? Wu:Yes,he is. 是的,他在下棋。 Teacher:Tell him we're leaving...
