

02月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[我十六岁生日酒宴上要发言感谢爸爸妈妈大约三四百字请大神帮助]今天在这个特别的日子,我很高兴与激动,我有很多话要说: 老爸老妈这十六年来您们辛苦了,我爱你们。请先受我一拜。 一、感谢你们给了我生命,让我能够在这个世界上生存!如果没有你们...+阅读

Let's start from the first year I was here. I have learned so much knowledge from this school that I will probably remember for my whole life, it was a lesson of life, she helped me to get involve into this school, she helped me to become of them, now thinking back, I am laughing for her ways of trying. I don't actually remember how we became the best buddies, but I do appreciate this relationship. I was scared before I went to this school, like any others would. I remember the first time I met my best friend, she was trying so hard to have a conversation with me, I was scared that I won't be able to fit in, won't be able to enjoy this new life, won't be used to the teachers and students, but they were friendly to me, kind enough to help and teach me everything I don't know. They were patient in accepting me, I loved this school in first sight,so many amazing things happened, a new intruder who just rushed into their life, I am here to describe my lives in this school, also here to talk about what I experienced in this school and my feelings toward it, the environment it provided was what I needed, the friendly students who are now mostly my friends were kind to me. I have been here (自己填年份吧) yearsThe school in my mind: Good morning Teachers, judges and students. That is the end of my speech,读一下. I want to thank all my teachers and friends for the great help they offered, and I want to thank this school for all what it has taught me, it is a great school filled with more roads to discover. This school will become better, thank you for your time. 瞎写的,这是你要演讲的吗,如果是,你可以把你的故事告诉我,然后我再加进去改一下




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