

01月18日 编辑 39baobao.com

[初一英语演讲稿范文]My dream My dream is live in a palace.Because I can enjoy lots of interesting things.Of course,I also can swim in the garden's lake.I like playing computer game...+阅读

是不是外语教学与研究出版社出版的??这篇课文要补充,可是我没有学,就没有补充到,我就写书本上的内容吧! Do you want to go to Guilin? Dad:There are lots of beautiful pleace to go in China, Boy:I want to go to Beijing ,Beijing is very big and very famous. Girl:I want to go to Hongkong.it's very big too.And there are lots of tall building. Mum:There are lost of shops in Hongkong too.but I also want to go to Harbin.Harbinis very clod in winter,but the snow is very beautiful. Dad:Kunming is a beautiful pleace.it's in the south of China,and it's got a beautiful. Girl:And there are lots of mountains and lakes in Guilin. Boy:I think should go to all of these pleaces. Mum:That's a good idea.


三年级上册语文第6课续写第二天,那家杂志社的记者又来找高尔基,高尔基没有接见他。接着,成群记者来找 高尔基,高尔基仍没有接见。 几个小时以后,那个小男孩来了,高尔基热情的接见了他,小男孩对高尔基说:“上...


六年级英语单词音标练习1.foot school bedroom cool (oo) 2.answer animal apple man (a) 3.forty yours colour daughter(o) 4.boxes shoes oranges watches(es) 5.minute beautiful ticket ice-c...

关于兴趣和上网的英语小短文I think it is not all bad for millde school student to search the Internet.Some students play games on line.I don't aGREe it at all.It has nothing to do with th...

一年级上册语文课本全部古诗一年级上册 古诗 1、 一去二三里 宋. 理学家. 邵康节 一去二三里, 烟村四五家, 亭台六七座, 八九十枝花 2、画 唐·王维 远看山有色, 近听水无声。 春去花还在, 人来鸟不惊。 3....

苏教版语文课本一年级上册的全部古诗01 咏鹅 (唐)骆宾王 é é é 鹅 , 鹅 , 鹅 , qū xiàng xiàng tiān gē 曲 项 向 天 歌 。 bái máo fú lǜ shuǐ 白 毛 浮 绿 水 , hōng zhǎng bō qīng bō 红 掌 拨...

五年级上册小数的除法的思维导图代入法”求解: 首先:移项合并同类项 二是:把其中一个方程中的一元素用另一元素的表达式表达出来,如:2X-3Y=2 =>X=(3Y+2)/2。 三是:把二中的代入另一方程求解 。 小数除法的思维导...

三年级上册数学第九单元的思维导图怎么画思维导图 编辑 思维导图又叫心智图,是表达发散性思维的有效的图形思维工具 ,它简单却又极其有效,是一种革命性的思维工具。思维导图运用图文并重的技巧,把各级主题的关系用相互...

英语四五年级动词词组一. 动词词组 play the piano 弹钢琴 eat the grapes 吃葡萄 play the guitar 弹吉他 eat a hamburger 吃个汉堡包 play football 踢足球 eat the bone 啃骨头 play basketb...
