

01月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求两篇关于迎新年讲文明或树新风的演讲稿演讲比赛用急啊!]例如要从具体的事情抓起,把“讲文明,改陋习,树新风,塑形象”活动不断引向深入。从长远着眼,从现在做起。从小事做起,从自我做起。从日常的具体行为抓起。 抓好“十不”以改掉不良...+阅读

英语励志演讲:成功的原则 When Henry ford decided to produce his famous v-8 motor, he chose to build an engine with the entire eight cylinders cast in one block, and instructed his engineers to produce a design in one for the engine. The design was placed on paper, but the engineers agreed, to a man, that it was simply impossible to cast an eight-cylinder engine-block in one piece.Ford said, “Produce it anyway.” “But,” they replied, “It's impossible!” “Go ahead.” Ford commanded, “And stay on the job until you succeed, no matter how much time is required.” The engineers went ahead. There was nothing else for them to do, if they were to remain on the ford staff. Six months passed and nothing happened. Another six months passed, and still nothing happened. The engineers tried every conceivable plan to carry out the orders, but the thing seemed out of the question:“impossible!” At the end of the year ford checked with his engineers, and again they informed him they had found no way to carry out his orders.“go right head,” said ford, “I want it, and I'll have it.” They went ahead, and then, as if by a stroke of magic, the secret was discovered.The ford determination had won once more!This story may not be described with minute accuracy, but the sum and substance of it is correct. Deduce from it, you who wish to think and grow rich, the secret of the ford millions, if you can. You'll not have to look very far.Henry ford was successful, because he understood and applied the principles of success. One of these is desire: knowing out the lines in which the secret of his stupendous achievement have been described. If you can do this, if you can lay your finger on the particular group of principles which made Henry ford rich, you can equal his achievements in almost any calling for which you are suited.亨利福特在要制造有名的v8汽缸引擎汽车时,曾指示他手下的工程师着手设计一种引擎,要把八个汽缸全放在一起。

设计的纸上作业完成了,但是工程师们都异口同声地跟福特说,“要把八个汽缸全放在一起,压根是不可能。” 福特说:“无论如何都要做出来。” 他们又回答:“但是,那不可能啊!” “动手做。”福特一声令下, “不论花多少时间,做到交差为止!” 工程师只得着手去做。如果他们还想呆在福特的公司里讨生活,就别无他途可行,值得去做。

过了半年,没有动静。又过了半年,一样没有半点进展。工程师们试过了所有想得出来的计划去执行命令,结果仍然是:“不可能!” 过了一年,福特的工程师们都没有进展,他们再次告诉他,他们想不出有什么办法可以做到的指示。“继续做,”福特说。“我要八汽缸引擎,就一定要做到!” 他们继续努力,然后仿佛如有神助似的,做法出笼了。




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