

01月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[团队意识的重要性写一篇高一水平的议论文作文语言普普通通就]蚂蚁很小,创造出的奇迹却令人叹服: 草原上,在野火烧起的时候,众多的蚂蚁迅速聚拢在一起,紧紧地抱成一团,然后象滚雪球一样飞速滚动,逃离火海.在滚动过程中,蚂蚁球发出噼里啪啦的烧焦...+阅读

Nowadays, more and more young people are becoming too proud and over-confident. They think they can do everything. So they simply ignore their old parents, and believe that their parents' experienced thoughts are out of date. Actually I used to be one of them, but after hearing a story told by my father, I changed my mind completely. Now I would like to share it with all of you. Once, there's a young man who look down on the old. He always thought that the old were just nuisances in your busy life, a useless life that was going to wither. He also did this to his father. One day, the father and the son happened to meet each other in the grove. The son suggested that they should take a walk together.As they walked, a beautiful garden came into their sight. The son pointed to one of the prettiest flower and said, 'we young people are like this fragrant flower, so healthy, so vigorous, and full of spirit. What about you oldsters? Just like the falling leaves from a dying tree.' Hearing this, the father smiled butsaid nothing. They continued the walking in silence.when they passed a grocery, the father stopped and went in, he bought a walnut and show it to his son, slow and gracious, he said, 'we old are like this walnut. We've experienced many hard events in life.So we built up such a firm shell, and at the same time we also built up a pure inner world. Every fruit is so full-grown.' 'but every fruit wasborn by flower.' Refuted the son. 'yes, but not every flower can bear fruit….' From the on, I always keep this story in my mind. It has taught me a lot. We should try to be a flower that can bear fruit.we alsohave to know that our parents aren't nuisances, useless lives or falling leaves but are experienced walnuts, masterpiece of nature. They are the ones we should appreciate forever.现在,越来越多的年轻人正在变得很骄傲、不自量力。


有一天,这个父亲和这个儿子在树木里偶然遇见。儿子建议他们应该一起出去走走。于是他们走着走着,来到了一处美丽的花园。儿子指着一朵最漂亮的花,说:“我们这样的年轻人就喜欢芳香的花,它们是如此健康,如此蓬勃,如此具有饱满的精神。而你们这些老人呢?就像那些从垂死的树上飘下的落叶。” 父亲听到这话,含笑不语。

他们继续安静得走着。当他们路过一家杂货店时,父亲停住了脚步,走了进去。他买了一些核桃,然后缓慢而亲切得递给他儿子看,并说:“我们就像这些老核桃,生活中经历了许多挫折,因此,我们建立了这样一层坚固的壳,同时,还建立了一个纯洁的内心世界。每一个果实都是如此得丰满。” “但是每一个果实都是花结下的!”儿子反驳道。

“确实是这样,但是,不是每一朵花都能结下果实……” 从那时起,我把这个故事铭刻在脑海里。它教会了我很多东西。我们应该努力成为一朵能结果实的花朵。我们也必须知道,我们的父母并没有对我们的生活造成困扰,他们不是无用的生命和落叶。他们是经验丰富的核桃,是大自然的杰作。他们才是我们应该永远感激的。


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