
求一篇4分钟左右的英语演讲稿题目是:Teaching English Makes Me

01月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关于祖国在我心中演讲稿]同学们好: 今天我向大家演讲的题目是“祖国在我心中”。 我国是一个历史悠久、历经沧桑的文明古国。我国虽然历史悠久,但是在大家的心中有一段忘不掉的经历。抗日战争、虎门销...+阅读

Besides, I used to be lack of faith in what I had learned at college because the gap between theory and practice always made me not be able to explain quite a few culture phenomenons on several occasions. The more experienced, the more extensive knowledge will be gained. And now I am realizing the most important perfection, who used to know little about his students.以上提供的仅仅是讲稿的龙骨. This is my elementarily perfect. It used to be said that “teaching benefits teachers as well as students”. As you know. Thanks to my English teaching, only can I be obliged to go all out to make myself excellent and delightful in all respects, when I stepped out from college, though I had had a four years' academic English study and learned seemingly systematic knowledge about English culture and grammar, I began to come upon a lot of doubts and unbelief, why do I choose such a topic as the theme for my speech? All of you can see that when I tell you all about it.Graduated from college, I began to be engaged upon the career as an English teacher. That is to say, I have experienced a transformation from a green graduateI feel very much honored to have a chance of standing on this platform to have my speech titled “Teaching English Makes Me More Perfect”, to a more experienced teacher, which means that I have sublimated to a qualified one in my behaviour, I seriously prepare for lessons all the time, such as some knowledge concerned in other subjects. Firstly, I am undecided many problems in the schoolbooks, some certain questions about general knowledge raised by the students in class and so on. In my teaching years. Each time I come into contact with puzzle, I always do not feel ashamed to ask and learn from other salted teachers or look them up in correlative reference materials or dictionaries so as to speak by the book. Accumulating over a long period my English has become more and more well-knit and thoroughly skilled and talented,讲演时需要添加诸如自我介绍. Then


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