

11月11日 编辑 39baobao.com

[胎儿的体重要不要控制](1)体重增长过快 有些孕妇在怀孕初期妊娠反应比较强烈,不管看见什么都吃不下去,就算勉强吃进一点,过不了两分钟就吐得一干二净。一段时间过后,妊娠反应慢慢消失,孕妇胃口渐渐地好起...+阅读

Consistently getting a good night’s sleep may be one of the answers to maintaining a healthy weight, if early research findings are correct.

The small study found that when healthy young men slept for only fours hours on two nights in a row, they showed dips in a hormone that suppresses appetite, coupled with increases in an appetite-stimulating hormone.

On top of that, the volunteers reported being more hungry after their sleep-deprived nights than after nights when they slept for 10 hours.

Though more research is needed, the new findings suggest that "if you do not run a sleep debt, you will be able to curb your appetite more easily and maintain or lose weight," study leader Dr. Eve Van Cauter, a professor of medicine at the University of Chicago, told Reuters Health.

The two appetite-regulating hormones in question are leptin, which is released from fat cells and helps alert the brain that it’s time to stop eating, and ghrelin, which is produced in the stomach and helps trigger hunger.

Van Cauter’s team found that when the 12 men in their study slept for four hours on two consecutive nights, their levels of leptin were 18 percent lower and their levels of ghrelin were 28 percent higher than they were after two nights of spending 10 hours in bed.

The exact reasons for the hormonal changes associated with sleep deprivation are not yet known. According to Van Cauter, the mechanism may he to do with a small area in the brain where neurons respond to both eating and sleeping.






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