

03月11日 编辑 39baobao.com

[五星级酒店总机领班的职责是什么呀]总机领班的工作职责: 1、 全面掌握酒店最新的服务设施、服务项目和经营情况,并将相关的服务信息通报属下员工以便更好地向 宾客推销酒店 。 2、 检查话务员工作程序和纪律的执...+阅读

Fire kasabian

Shake me into the night

And I'm an easy lover

Take me into the fight

And I'm an easy brother

And I'm on fire

Burn my sweet effigy

I'm a road runner

Spill my guts on a wheel

I wanna taste uh-huh

And I'm on fire

And I'm on fire

And I'm on fire...

(I'm going, you tell me, I feel it, I say it

I'm heading back into the tunnel for my soul to burn)

And I'm on fire...

(I'm coming, you coming, no hiding, my feeling

I wanna take it to the highest over me, yeah...)

Whoo Whoo

Whoo Whoo

Wire me up to machines

I'll be your prisoner

Find it hard to believe

You are my murderer

I'm on fire behind you

Heads a fallen sky

And I'm on fire...

(I'm going, you tell me, I feel it, I say it

I'm heading back into the tunnel for my soul to burn)

And I'm on fire...

(I'm coming, you coming, no hiding, my feeling

I wanna take it to the highest over me, yeah...)

And I'm on fire...

I'm on fire...

Move on, you got to move on

You got to hit 'em to the hip

And get your shake on

Move on, you got to move on

You got to hit 'em to the hip

And get your shake on

I feel it, I want it, I'm coming, I tell ya,

I caught the bullet from the heavens to the one you serve,

I'm going, I'm running, out to the highest love

I'm wanna hit you to the hip...

(I'm on fire...)

Move on, you got to move on

You got to hit 'em to the hip

And get your shake on

(I'm on fire...)

Move on, you got to move on

You got to hit 'em to the hip

And get your shake on

求五星体育最近精彩瞬间the wonderful moments放的哪几首背景英文歌

Winning Streak - Glen Hansard

Through summers long and winters cold

May you always have someone good to hold

May good fortune weigh on you every day

And may your winning streak never end

Roll the dice boy 'cause my money is on you

Take my advice now put your money down too

Because there's something in you that I just can't pretend

And may your winning streak never end

And may the sign of the southern cross

Be some comfort to you when you're lost

And may the devil's evil eye

Pass you by

Well it's not for glory I tell you true

That I do these things that I do for you

For a promise I may not much defend

And may your winning streak never end

And may the sign of the cross be some comfort when you're lost

And help you when you're all broke down

May the spirit of good president turn you around

And may the devil's evil eye pass you right by

Don't you look back my friend

And may the sisters of good charity take you in

Through summers long and winters cold

May you always have someone good to hold

May good fortune be your constant and a loyal friend

And may your winning streak never end

May your winning streak never end

May your winning streak never end



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