

03月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[我想一篇英文暑假总结急急急]Summary of Summer Vacation Time always slips away, the end of summer vacation is around the corner. Besides finished my homework, I did a lot of meaningful thin...+阅读

Although this test is not very good, but I have tried, Mama! In fact, in some subjects, I managed to get was good, such as: history, biology, English ... ..., but the deterioration of many subjects, including the most unsatisfactory of Geography, Geography teacher said I was a lazy student. So, I think I should seriously learn!


Nowadays,an increasing number of students come into senior three life. Now let me give you a short introduction of my last high school life.

At first,it is exciting and meaningful in short. Furthermore,it makes us realise time is limited.We always stay up late to finish those so much homework.Late term,we have a large number of examinations.We make an effort to relax ourselves.For example,searching internet and paly basketball.Last but not least,We believe that our future is very beautiful and wonderful.



Because of the school system that we have in our Country, the English exam seems to be more important everyday. But i think people start to forget that English is actually a language that more than 20% of people in the world speak every day in their daily life. I am not a supporter of reggress English exams like we are having right now, the reason is that as foreign speaker of English, we should spractice more in real life or in classes, testing is just a format to memorize all of the words or grammers that we leant rather using it effectively in real life when we needed to

.因为我们已经在我国学校系统,英语考试似乎更重要的日常。但我认为,人们开...英语考试似乎更重要的日常,原因是,我们靠而有效地使用它在现实生活中. But i think people start to forget that English is actually a language that more than 20% of people in the world speak every day in their daily life,测试只是一个格式的所有单词或语法,作为英国外交发言人. I am not a supporter of reggress English exams like we are having right now, the reason is that as foreign speaker of English, we should spractice more in real life or in classes,当我们需要记住。我不是一个支持者的reggress英语考试就像我们现在,人们开始忘记英语实际上是一个超过20%的人在世界上说每一天在他们的日常生活语言, testing is just a format to memorize all of the words or grammers that we leant rather using it effectively in real life when we needed to


Because of the school system that we have in our Country, the English exam seems to be more important everyday


大二学期总结英文最好带翻译中文怎么讲就怎么讲,然后翻成英文就行This term I have made a big progess .with the help of tecahers and classmates .i have changed some bad study habbits .almost i...

英文辩论赛总结陈词谢谢!Some people hold that the newspaper is bound to be media of the past. To start with, time plays the most important role.As is shown, what has been in the newspa...

论文总结翻译成英文: I - information-gathering. Students experience during the same time to read the relevant reference books or information, or searching for information from the...




月考后家长的感想你是他们的孩子要给他们树立好榜样胜不骄败不馁,就跟父母总结这段时间付出的努力。 如果考得不错,也要分析考得不太好的原因,能力有限这些,最好能表达出你的真实感受。他们会很...

月考后的反思500字哎!考后反思 期两天的期中考试终于结束了,成绩也随之很快的发了下来。我总体成绩还算可以,但也有几科,考得不算很理想。 比如语文,我只考了85.5分,其中,有7分是由于粗心错的,如果不粗...

如何写月考后的总结与反思这次考试发挥还算正常,自从上次考试不理想后,我进行了深刻的检讨。 1、在考试前我并没有深入复习,只不过是看了看书。 2、临阵磨枪,突击英语,平时不善于积累。 3、复习没有重点。...
