

02月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[青春期中那个女孩儿在跳舞毯上跳舞时背景音乐叫什么名字]青春期2青春失乐园片头曲-登上舞台 青春期2青春失乐园插曲-我的爱还在-谢容儿 青春期2青春失乐园插曲-偶像派-谢容儿 青春期2青春失乐园插曲-其实我很在乎你-谢容儿 青春期2...+阅读

Poker Face Lady GaGa(Mum mum mum mah)...I wanna hold em' like they do in Texas please Fold em' let em' hit me raise it baby stay with me (I love it) LoveGame intuition play the cards with Spades to start And after he's been hooked I'll play the one that's on his heart Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh I'll get him hot, show him what I've got Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh I'll get him hot, show him what I've got Can't read my, can't read my No he can't read my poker face(She's got me like nobody) Can't read my, can't read my No he can't read my poker face(She's got me like nobody) P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face(Mum mum mum mah) P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face(Mum mum mum mah) I wanna roll with him a hard pair we will be A little gambling is fun when you're with me (I love it) Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun And baby when it's love if it's not rough it isn't fun, fun Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh I'll get him hot, show him what I've got Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh I'll get him hot, show him what I've got Can't read my, can't read my No he can't read my poker face(She's got me like nobody) Can't read my, can't read my No he can't read my poker face(She's got me like nobody) P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face(Mum mum mum mah) P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face(Mum mum mum mah)...I won't tell you that I love you Kiss or hug you Cause I'm bluffin' with my muffin I'm not lying I'm just stunnin' with my love-glue-gunning Just like a chick in the casino Take your bank before I pay you out I promise this, promise this Check this hand cause I'm marvelous Can't read my, can't read my No he can't read my poker face(She's got me like nobody) Can't read my, can't read my No he can't read my poker face(She's got me like nobody) Can't read my, can't read my No he can't read my poker face(She's got me like nobody) Can't read my, can't read my No he can't read my poker face(She's got me like nobody) Can't read my, can't read my No he can't read my poker face(She's got me like nobody) Can't read my, can't read my No he can't read my poker face(She's got me like nobody) P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face(She's got me like nobody) P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face(Mum mum mum mah)...


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