

02月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[谁能给我一首英文励志的诗歌]、THE SIGNIFICANCE OF FAILURE Robert H. Schuller Failure doesn't mean you are a failure, It does mean you have't succeeded yet. Failure doesn't mean you have ac...+阅读

原诗是匈牙利诗人裴多菲(Shandor Petefi)写的。我不知道原诗是用何种语言写的,但只找到一处是英文的,供你参考:

I am willing it is a torrent

by Shandor Petefi

I am willing it is a torrent,

the River in the mountain,

Pass the rock

On the rugged mountain path

Only my spouse

It is a small fish,

Swim happily In my spray.

I am willing it is neglect woods,

Two sides in river,

To a burst of blast,

Fight bravely

Only my spouse

It is a bird dense in mine

Make the nest among the branch pipe.

I am willing that it is the ruins,

On high and steep mountain and rock,

This ruin mourned in silence

Does not make me dejected

Only my spouse

It is the blue and green Chinese ivy,

Along my bleak and desolate volume,

Climb up by holding on to and rise on intimate terms with each other.

I am willing it is the thatched cottage,

In the deep mountain valley bottom,

Endure the strike of the trials and hardship to the fullest

extent,On the top of the thatched cottage,

Only my spouse

It is the lovely flame,

In my stove,

Flash slowly happily .

I am willing that it is a cloud,

It is the grey breaking the flag,

Swing too lazy to feel like floatingly in the vast sky,

Only my spouse Coral's the setting sun,

Draw near my pale face and

Show bright-colored brilliance.


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