

02月13日 编辑 39baobao.com

[根据你的同学即将到来的生日写一篇邀请函英语作文]Dear Jeck: My birthday is coming. I will have a birthday party. My mother will prepare a lot of decilious food. I will invite our classmates to my birthday part...+阅读

考核点 语法:used to do 单元语言点 used to do/be (过去常常) be/get used to doing(习惯于) terrify & terrified be afraid/terrified of be afraid/terrified to do be afraid/terrified that … over here wait a minute wait a while wait a moment play the piano play football be/become interested in be alone alone = by oneself be lonely How/What about…? go to sleep/fall asleep/be asleep with … on/off be on a team all the time = always chew gum get up/go to bed stay in school all day all night all day and all night spend / take /cost用法与区别 区别: 花费对象不同 花钱: Spend; pay; cost 花时间: Spend; take 主语不同 人做主语 Spend; pay 物做主语 Cost 不定式做主语、常用it做形式主语: 介记号搭配不同 介词搭配: Spend … on + 名词、代词 Spend in doing Pay … for It take sb. time do to sth. not … any more/longer no more/longer chat with have to do sth. must do sth. have to 侧重客观 must 侧重主观 have to 有各种时态变化 must 没有变化 do one's homework go to bed stress out join sb. study for a test cause trouble 15-year-old 做定语 15 years old 做表语 注意两句中写法及year的形式 afford to do sth. He as well as his parents…. He with his parents… 这两个结构中He是主语,与with 及as well as后的无关 as… as one can as … as possible get into trouble in the end/at last/finally send … to… head teacher 班主任 headmaster 校长 be necessary for sb. to do sth. to one's surprise 令某人惊讶的是 to one's joy 令某人高兴的是 help sb. (to) do sth. even though though 与 although though 一般不放在句首 although 可放在句首 take pride in… be proud of be the pride of pay attention to pay more attention to pay no attention to a top student It's+adf. for sb. to do sth. be able to do sth. Can do sth. 区别: Be able to 需要努才能达到的能力 Can 更侧重的本能 Be able to 有各种时态形式 Can 只有原形和过去式两种形式 give up doing sth clothes考核点 语法:被动语态 语言结构:should be allowed to do sth. 单元语言点 allow sb. to do sth. 情态动词+be+过去分词 go out go out with to have part-time jobs have/get +宾语+过去分词 ask sb. to do sth. get/have one's ears pierced driver's license. enough修饰名词时,前置后置均可修饰形容词或副词必须后置 at night in the evening cut one's hair与have/get one's hair cut stop to do sth.停下去做 与stop doing sth. 停止做. 主语+seem +不定式 主语+seem + to be + adj.It seems that…. on weekends need to do sth.(need是实义动词) need do sth.(need是情态动词) need doing sth.表示被动 spend time (in) doing spend time on sth. instead instead of sth./doing sth. stay at home on school night by 不迟于 by the end of 不迟于… … 末 go shopping clean up get to/arrive at/in; reach fail a test the other day talk about wear uniforms every day每天,做时间状语everyday每天的,做定语 be good / bad for come/go back / return to a pair of jeans look good on sb. at least have … off reply to agree with get in the way of as much as they can/want professional athlete make decisions food for the importance of. care about/for have a chance of doing/to do sth. be serious about stay up (late) be strict with+人 be strict in + 事 talk (about) the rules concentrate on sth. be good for (doing) sth. learn from learn sth. from sb. at present=now/ at the moment /right now volunteer to do sth. have an opportunity to do sth. be a good experience for sb. in the way (of…)碍事 being a professional runner happen to sb. happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事 ★Unit 4★ What would you do? 考核点 语法: 表示与现在和与过去事实相反的虚拟语气及真实条件句 与现在事实相反 主句: 主语 + would + 动词原形 从句 If + 主语 + 过去式(be用were) 与过去事实相反 主句: 主语 + would + have + 过去分词 从句 If + 主语 + had + 过去分词 语言结构:使用should为他人提供建议 单元语言点 give sth. to sb. /give sb. sth. v. + adv. & v. + prep. put … in… in the order medical research a circle of be confident to do sth. have confidence to do sth. be late for come late to bring a present/gift at the party 穿衬衣系领带 worry about be worried about take a small present talk to /with… talk about… give advice what if = What would you do if…? enjoy the party get nervous get pimples look terrible the night before … take an exam so … that…not ->too… to… so … that … ->enough to… help with lots of/ a lot of… take a walk help sb relax feel shy let sb. do sth. speak in public like to do/doing sth. be like give/have a speech in front of the whole all the… with/without permission be in a movie ask sb.'s permission start to do/doing sth. introduce sb. to sb. introduce oneself to sb. invite sb. to…/to do sth. have been studying(现在完成进行时) talk in front of … at (lunch) time a bit shy a lot next month the month after next last ...


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