
类似Booty Music节奏的歌曲

02月12日 编辑 39baobao.com

[车载英文歌曲要节奏感强的]1. traveling light (极其适合开车兜风听哦~) 2. 7 years and 50 days(失恋歌曲,但节奏不悲伤) 3. baby one more time (小甜甜的voice具有诱惑力。。。) 4. bye bye (Mariah Carey...+阅读

Boom Boom Pow - Black Eyed Peas

Cry On My Shoulder - Deutschland Sucht Den Supersta

FireFly - A-Teens

Life is Like a Boat - Rie Fu

Last Christmas - Hilary Duff

Too Serious Too Soon - Gareth Gates

I Think Of You - Tata Young

Poker Face、Bad Romance、Telephone - Lady GaGa

valder fields - Tamas Wells

Pick Me(Shout)- Justin Bieber

The Climb - Joe McElderry

Take It Off - Ke$ha

Baby - Justin Bieber

Can Anybody Hear Me - Meredith Andrews

The Technicolor Phase -Owl City

booty music - Deepside

Video Phone - Beyonce Knowles

Never Be The Same Again - Melanie c

Where Is The Love - Black Eyed Peas

the magic key

I Dont Feel The Same - Thomas Godoj

Beautiful - Akon


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