
英语单词中哪些动词后面加to do或doing或do或to dodo

02月09日 编辑 39baobao.com

[有适合儿童朗诵的英语小诗歌或者小故事吗]ALWAYS HAVE A DREAM Forget about the days when it's been cloudy. But don't forget your hours in the sun. Forget about the times you have been defeated. But don'...+阅读

let make have接do(只有这三个只接do)may can shall should could 以及其他情态动词接do

mind doing 系动词接ding(am is are been was were) Be busy doing

help to do或 help do 都可以

like to do 或 like doing都可以

order teacher ask need接to do(need只在肯定句或陈述句中当动词用)

to 接do 但 be used to ding是特殊used接to do

plan、decide、ask / tell / advise / persuade / wish / permit / allow 接to do

want to do, want doing,

need to do ,need doing,

require to do ,require doing, d

ecide to do ,hope to do ,

hate to do , hate doing

其他记不起来了 lz采纳采纳 加分哦!~~~


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