
yesterday once more是谁的歌诡求中英文歌词

01月13日 编辑 39baobao.com

[太阳很大绿了青蛙歌词]我爱小青蛙 演唱:华声儿童合唱团 咕呱 咕呱 一只小青蛙 咕呱 咕呱 我最喜欢它 它的歌声美 它的声音大 看它跳跳舞 姿势也不差 咕呱 咕呱 咕咕呱呱呱 咕呱 咕呱 咕咕呱呱呱 咕...+阅读

Yesterday once more-Carpenter 昨日重现(卡朋特) When I was young Id listen 2 the radio. 当我还是小女还时,我常听收音机。 Waiting 4 my favorite songs. 等待着我心爱的歌。 When they played Id sing along. 当它们播放出来的时候,我会跟着唱。 It make me smile. 这令我笑容满面。 Those were such happy times & not so long ago. 不久前的回忆那真是段美好的时光。 How I wondered where theyd gone. 我不知道那段美好时光怎么消失了。

But theyre back again just like a long lost friend. 现在它们就象久无音信的老朋友又回来了。 All the songs I love so well. 所有的歌都是我所喜欢的。 Every shalala every wowo still shines ! 每一个纱啦啦,每一个哦哦依旧闪耀! Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that theyre starting 2 sing. 他们开始唱的每一个昕铃铃- So fine ! 都如此美妙! When they get 2 the part. 当他们唱到那段- Where hes breaking her heart. 男孩使女孩伤心的部分时。

It can really make me cry. 也让我流下了眼泪。 Just like before. 就象昔日一样。 Its yesterday once more ! 仿佛昨日重现! (Shoobie do lang lang) Looking back on how it was in years gone by. 回首过去的几年。 And the good times that had. 以及我曾拥有的好时光。 Makes today seem rather sad. 使今日更加伤感。 So much has changed ! 太多的转变! It was songs of love that I would sing 2 them. 那些旧日跟唱过的旧情歌。

And Id memorise each word. 我仍然记得没一句歌词。 Those old melodies still sound so good 2 me. 那些旧旋律听起来仍然那么悦耳。 As they melt the years away. 它们使岁月消融! All my best memorise come back clearly 2 me. 所有美好的回忆都在我脑海里清晰的浮现! Some can even make me cry. 有些甚至令我泪流满脉面。


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