
WWE orton的出场音乐叫什么名字

01月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[有部韩剧不知道什么名字讲述意外怀孕结婚的剧情]该剧讲述了一对偶遇男女一夜情并奉子成婚最终相亲相爱的爱情故事,慢慢的在相处的过程中逐渐发现真爱,就一直很努力对别人好,别人就叫她便利贴。 《命中注定我爱你》 讲述了一个...+阅读


RKO Randy Orton

Burn In My Light



Hey! its clear that you see the look on your face

Nothing you can say

Nothings gonna change what you've done to me

Now it's time to shine

I'm gonna take what's mine

Take what's mine


Nothing you can say

Nothings gonna change what you've done to me

Now it's time to shine.

I'm gonna take what's mine

You're gonna burn in my light

They try so hard to follow

But no one can

Inside you're all so hollow

You understand


Nothing you can say

Nothings gonna change what you've done to me

Now it's time to shine

I'm gonna take what's mine

While you're burning inside my light

I gave and you take and I waited for you but I've made a mistake

It's clear that your fear is so near because I see the look on your face

You try to hold me under, I held my breath

Alone and now you wonder, what I possess


Nothing you can say

Nothings gonna change what you've done to me

Now it's time to shine

You're gonna burn in the light


Nothing you can say

Nothings gonna change what you've done to me

Now it's time to shine

I'm gonna take what's mine

While you're burning inside my light



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