

05月26日 编辑 39baobao.com

[托福英语写作题库新增试题]37. Some people prefer to work for themselves or own a business. Others prefer to work for an employer. Would you rather be self-employed, work for someone else,...+阅读

去年我参加了,写作的话题其实也没什么新颖的,跟四六级差不多。初赛和复赛我都参加了,初赛的试题我还有:先给了个topic:college students are becoming too dependent on computers。this is having an alarming effect on reading and writing skills。teachers need to avoid using computers in the classroom at all costs and go back to teaching basic study skills。do you agree?give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience。write about100 and 120 words on the answer sheet。由此可见,话题和当前科技发展,特别是计算机,都是有很大联系的。多关注一下时事应该就可以有话可说的!不过很抱歉复赛的试题我给忘了,你可以查查。呵呵,你是准备参加今年的大学生英语竞赛吧,要加油哦!对了,里边有五六道智力题,不怕你笑话,复赛的时候我一道都没想出来,不过还是通过复赛了参加了口试。

May you perform well in the NECCS!



(一) (教师用卷) (共三大题,计20分) I. Free Talk (5 point) 1. May I know your name? 2. How many people are there in your family? 3. What grade are you in? 4. What colour do you like best? Why? 5. When do you go to bed every day? II. Pronunciation (5 points) Read the words, phrases and sentences below. 1. March 2. milk 3. nurse 4. Tuesday 5. smoothly 6. over there 7. turn on 8. Good morning! 9. Have a good time! 10. My father works in a big factory. III. Talk about the picture (10 points) Look at the picture and answer the teacher's questions. 1. Who is swimming in the sea? 2. Is Tommy climbing the tree? 3. Does Mary like reading? 4. The bear is eating an ice cream, isn't he? 5. Do you think they are having a good time?2005年全国小学生英语竞赛(NECPS)六年级组口语试题

(二) (教师用卷) (共三大题,计20分) I. Free Talk (5 point) 1. What's your age? 2. How was your winter holiday? 3. What class are you in? 4. Which animal do you like best? Why? 5. When do you go to school every day? II. Pronunciation (5 points) Read the words, phrases and sentences below. 1. dog 2. teacher 3. bookshelf 4. potato 5. hamburger 6. get up 7. ice cream 8. Good luck! 9. Happy birthday to you! 10. I like to go to the library on Sundays. III. Passage (10 points) Read the passage and answer the teacher's questions. Miss Li is a teacher. She works in a primary school in Beijing. She works 5-6 days every week. She chooses this job because she likes teaching children. She works very hard. She is very kind to her students, and they like her very much. 1. What is Miss Li? 2. Where does she work? 3. How many days does she work every week? 4. Why does she choose the job? 5. Does she like her job? 2005年全国小学生英语竞赛(NECPS)六年级组口语试题

(三) (教师用卷) (共三大题,计20分) I. Free Talk (5 point) 1. What's your English name, please? 2. What does your father do? 3. How many hours are there in a day? 4. Is there a zoo in your hometown? 5. How far is it from your home to your school? II. Pronunciation (5 points) Read the words, phrases and sentences below. 1. student 2. July 3. cousin 4. sometimes 5. cucumber 6. at home 7. in yellow 8. near the bank 9. Thanks a lot. 10. I am very glad to see you. III. Talk about the timetable (10 points) Look at the timetable and answer the teacher's questions. 1. When does Grandfather feed the birds? 2. Does Grandmother water the flowers in the morning? 3. Who washes the dishes after dinner? 4. What does Mother do in the morning and evening? 5. Lily sets the table in the evening, doesn't she? 2005年全国小学生英语竞赛(NECPS)六年级组口语试题

(四) (教师用卷) (共三大题,计20分) I. Free Talk (5 point) 1. What job do you like best? Why? 2. What's your telephone number? 3. Is winter cold in your hometown? 4. Do you like to play basketball? 5. What can we play on a windy day? II. Pronunciation (5 points) Read the words, phrases and sentences below. 1. sunny 2. cheap 3. colour 4. eggplant 5. Thursday 6. a nice day 7. three tables 8. Well done! 9. You are welcome! 10. How much are your trousers? III. Talk about the picture (10 points) Look at the picture and answer the teacher's questions. 1. Is it a bedroom? 2. There is a computer in this room, isn't there? 3. What is the boy doing? 4. Can you see a picture in the room? 5. Do you often do the housework at home? 2005年全国小学生英语竞赛(NECPS)六年级组口语试题

(五) (教师用卷) (共三大题,计20分) I. Free Talk (5 point) 1. How is the weather today? 2. How many boys are there in your class? 3. Do you like doing housework? 4. What row are you in? 5. Do you often read English every morning? II. Pronunciation (5 points) Read the words, phrases and sentences below. 1. computer 2. window 3. playground 4. timetable 5. basketball 6. fly a kite 7. swimming pool 8. music class 9. That's all right. 10. Let's go to see a film after class. III. Talk about the picture (10 points) Look at the picture and answer the teacher's questions. 2005年全国小学生英语竞赛(NECPS)六年级组口语试题

(六) (教师用卷) (共三大题,计20分) I. Free Talk (5 point) 1. How are you today? 2. Which festival do you like best? Why? 3. When is your father's birthday? 4. How do you go to school every day? 5. Do you like learning English? If yes/no, tell me why. II. Pronunciation (5 points) Read the words, phrases and sentences below. 1. paper 2. river 3. number 4. student 5. temperature 6. play the piano 7. go for a picnic 8. have lunch 9. Excuse me. 10. Please go along this road and turn...


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