

04月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求房建监理项目部年度总结一份高手帮帮]XX住宅小区工程项目监理部 2008年度工作总结 时光荏苒,不觉XX住宅小区工程项目的建设工作又已有条不紊地走过一年时光。在工程参建各方的共同努力下,本年度小区工程建设工作取...+阅读

women wear a lot of make-up if she goes to an interview or a party,that is shown she paied attention to the interview or the party, wear a lot of make-up also makes the women pretty.but the boss can be think you can't get this jop,account of people don't like women wear a lot of make-up ,me too.in my opinion,women can wear a little make-up,that can make a good impression to all the people.so,i don;t think women wear a lot of make-up.


1. Once upon a time, there was a king. He was never happy, so he caught a bird and asked the bird to sing every day. One day, the bird said that it was unhappy because it didn't have any freedom. Therefore the king released the bird. Whenver the king was unhappy again, he called for the bird to sing for him. 2. A couple owned a farm. After hurdling the sheep one day, one sheep was found missing. Swam across the river, the man wanted to catch the sheep, but fell into the river carelessly. 3. There were a male police officer and a female police officer. They saw a big built man moving a huge luggage. When the man wasn't looking, they opened the luggage, and found a lot of money inside. Then they called the head quarters for help. 4. A scientist was thinking of a problem when a man came to visit him. The man waited for a very long time. At noon, the man went to have lunch. After he came back, the scientist went for lunch as well. But he saw an empty plate on the dining table, so he thought he must have also had lunch already, and went home to continue on thinking of his problem. 5. A boy went to the park with his mother. The boy saw a pear tree and wanted to pick some pears, but his mother would not let him. The boy saw many flowers and wanted to pick some, but his mother still would not let him. He saw water then went to play with water, but unintentionally got water onto a police officer. Then the police officer wrote: Do Not Play with Water. 6. A boy wanted to steal some pears. The farmer was very angry and wouldn't let the boy pick the pears. Therefore the boy stayed on the tree and ate pears without picking them down. When the farmer came back, he saw many pear cores on the floor. 7. A boy slept. When he woke up, he found that his shoes were missing. Then he saw a bird walking in his shoes. (The right balance)


1:there are many things one should figure out on ones own including knowing oneslf.It is especially important for an individual .It is a basic issue of individual awareness since everybody is unique.then you can answer the question "who are you ".Aslo,only after you know youself such as your strengths ,your shortcomings ,can you strive keep your advantages , correct bad habits and avoid mistakes as possible . you can see knowing oneself can promote one's suceess in work ,study or everyday life. Parents are the first teachers When Thanksgiving day is coming ,I know there are too many people I should give my gratitude during my life such as my friends ,my teachers ,my brothers and sisters ,even my eneyms,but I would like to say it is my dad and my mum I should but I can never express enough of my gratitude to them. They give life to me and become my first teachers .they teach me how to walk ,how to speak , how to behavior .they are always the most involved with my education and development . 楼主,但愿上面几篇能够帮到你! 2: If i have a chance to create a festivel, I'd like to say it is walking day Since walking can bring us so many benifits . First of all, walking is widely recognized as a perfect way to relax and keep healthy.people nowadays are so engaged with their work and study .By walking, they can to a large extent get away from worries and stress from work and study also walking can promote their blood circulation and fat combustion. Besides, it can reduce traffic jam and relive energy shortage pressure if people are encouraged to walk in the walking festival for the reason that there will be less cars in the road and less enery be consumed and less waste gas pollution. therefore, I would choose to creat this holiday to celebrate. Parents are the first teachers :


The world expo in Shanghai is a great experience for me. I enjoy meeting with people all around the world. i met this black girl and we talk about our lifes and we were really interested by the culture difference between us.

My favorite part of the world expo is that it bring wealth and fame to the China. it makes me proud to be chinese.


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CAD统计问题急啊高手帮帮我啊!要想能统计,你必须每一个门窗有特别的共性才可以统计, 我教你一个办法: 如果你每个窗都写有C1516,你可以这样;编辑--查找-- 字符串 C1516,替换为 C1516,这样你选择你要统计的图,点全...

初中的自我总结急急急啊。。自我鉴定是个人在一个时期、一个年度、一个阶段对自已的学习和工作生活等 〔格式内容〕 1.标题。可写成 "自我鉴定"。 2.政治表现。 3.学习表现。 4.工作和道德表现。 5.缺点...

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