

04月11日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关于钢琴的鉴赏高人指点]现在的确有不少人在说朗朗的演奏的一些有待加强的地方,乐魂一词不好解释,但是对于一个钢琴家来说,有人说三道四是正常的,批评有时更有利于进步。 另外来说,因为朗朗走的路线不一...+阅读

楼主要有信心,我也最近才考完雅思,写作6.5,英语水平,可能跟你差不多吧,我还在上高中,用了一个月自己复习雅思。 我还是推荐慎小嶷的《十天突破雅思写作》,里面有很实用的单词,短语还有句型,这个一定要背,因为这样到了考场你才有东西可以写。而且这是一本很适合自学的书,它会帮你规划好该怎么复习的,你买来看看就知道啦。 至于范文我认为只是看看就好了,知道写作的模式和方法,还有遇到什么样的题目要从哪些方面去思考。我不建议背范文的,因为考试范围很广,背了也很难用得上,而且如果是背了很多范文,考场上又没有遇到相关题目,很容易影响心情影响发挥的。 总之呢,楼主要有信心,当时我那一个月没有利用好,只剩一个多星期的时候问班上一个考过雅思成绩又很好的同学,我只剩一个星期了还来得及不。

他当时跟我说的“绝对来得及!”,结果果然还是过了哈~你基础还可以而且时间那么充裕,肯定可以过的~~!雅思不是什么很难的东西~~~ 6000+的词汇运用得好的话6.5没问题,6.5虽然不是什么多高的分数,但是作文想拿7或者7以上太难了,你才大一,6.5肯定够你交换留学了嘛~ 祝你好运哈~


你好,很高兴为你解答:雅思写作7分范文:International tourism has brought enormous benefit to many places. At the same time, there is concern about its impact on local inhabitants and the environment. Do the disadvantages of international tourism outweigh the advantages?Tourism is a very big industry in the modern time and is growing quite rapidly. Thousands of people travel everywhere to various destinations every year. Arguments have come up regarding the benefits and negative impacts of tourism in places and on its local inhabitants and environment; however, I believe there are more advantages than disadvantages of international tourism.People travel for various reasons; we travel for business purposes, holidays, visit friends and relatives etc. Travelling is mostly seen as a recreational activity. Tourism has many advantages. Tourism can play a tremendous part in a countrys economy, the more tourists visit a country and spend money there, the better it is for the country; that way more money is circulated within the country and even the stability of their currencys rate of exchange persists if not improve. Vendors and shops get to sell more goods and make an income. Tourism also has its non-monetary advantages; it brings cultures and people closer. People from all around the world get to share their culture with each other and even learn more. This is a good opportunity in education.Tourism seems to have some disadvantages too; However, I believe the problems caused by tourism are not something that cannot be solved or prevented. A lot of people believe that tourism can destroy or deviate culture and causes quite an impact on visited locations, such as pollution and littering. People can adhere to their own beliefs and way of life if they want to; no one can really forcefully influence someone to change from their morals and ethics. Pollution can be avoided by increasing usage of environmental friendly vehicles used for tours and rents, warnings and visual education on littering and smoking, specific times can be allocated for tours to certain areas, such as peak times where local inhabitants feel uncomfortable due to too many foreigners.Where there are problems there can always be solutions. Tourism brings great amount of advantages for any place in many ways and is a “win-win” exchange process. The very few problems caused can always be avoided or taken care of. I believe tourism should be highly promoted, specially in traditional and poor countries with natural beauty such as Thailand.(雅思7分作文) 祝你好运,取得理想雅思成绩!!!如果你需要雅思学习资料和雅思备考资料可以在HI里和我沟通,我传给你~~


Charity, Without National Boundaries!

As is known to us,the world doesn't develop in a balanced way.While many people in the developed countries enjoy their happy life,there are still a lot of people who suffer from hunger and disease throughout the world,esepcially in Africa.Thanks to the bad economy of their countries,they live a miserable life,without food or clothes.Some even die of hunger and frigidity.It's reported that more than seventeen thousand people die of hunger and the diseases related to hunger everyday.What a horrible number!To our delight,charity,an aid to those people has been set up.

Charity organizations,whose common aim is to help the people in great need,have been set up these years.And they have played an very important part in the cause of the world's aid and humanity.Hower,some people think that charity organizations should only offer help to people of their own country.They think the help from the charity organizations is limited,so the charity organizations can't give help to the people from another country.But some other people believe that these organizations should give aid to people in great need wherever they live,which is also my point of view.In my humble opinion,charity,which is based on humanity,should not stopped by the national boundaries.They should help whoever in need in spite of their different colours.



谁有试用期转正工作总结范文叉车急!急!急!本人写作水评叉车司机年终总结 一、一年来,首先我们明确了今年叉车班工作任务和目标:落实和加强叉车日常安全操作及管理,完善叉车日常管理制度和操作规程,叉车工季度安全培训工作计划和提高...

关于雅思写作急高人请进!!楼主要有信心,我也最近才考完雅思,写作6.5,英语水平,可能跟你差不多吧,我还在上高中,用了一个月自己复习雅思。 我还是推荐慎小嶷的《十天突破雅思写作》,里面有很实用的单词,短语还...


还有一个月考雅思关于雅思写作分享下我的经验吧,考雅思前我就复习了三天,但可能平时写报告上课都是全英语的所以这次考的还不错,作文7 口语7 总分7,并且这次我就写一边倒的 雅思作文考的是一种逻辑和语言能力...

急!急!急!请你结合工作生活谈谈对写作学习新认识写一600学习写作 活到老,学到老。年轻时,学是为了理想,为了安定;中年时,学是为了补充空洞的心灵;老年时,学则是一种意境,慢慢品味,自乐其中。活到老学到老,平凡的一句话,是做人的大意境。人生...



求助关于雅思写作求助关于雅思写作的,雅思写作必备有哪些:1。开头万能公式一: 名人名言有人问了,“我没有记住名言,怎么办?尤其是英语名言?”,很好办:编!原理:我们看到的东西很多都是创造出来的,包括我们...

关于雅思写作 Task2关于雅思写作 Task2,雅思小作文预测:你好,很高兴回答这个问题.我的建议是你把你的雅思作文书拿过来,看看作者的idea,看看自己有没有什么可以学习的地方.你还可以把一些话题拿过来...
