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[英语情景对话范文]A:Hi! I haven't seen you for a long time? What have you been doing? B:Hei! I am working on an article about love. What do you think love is? A:Love? I think lov...+阅读

英: In this conversation, Gregory Cosgrove, the CEO of a large telecommunications company, discusses a large-scale reorganization with Gloria Atkinson, his Human Relations manager. Gregory: Gloria, before I officially announce the reorganization, I want your final feedback. Gloria: I've gone through the entire plan again, and I'm sure the impact will be minimal, since we're not planning large-scale firings or lay-offs. Gregory: That was a key objective from the start. Qualified staff holding positions that are being cut will be offered retraining for our new positions. If they accept, they have the job. Gloria: That's the best policy. Nevertheless, some employees may not want to change career paths in mid-stream, and will probably put in their notice. Gregory: I know, and we have a very fair compensation package for those who decide to quit. Some people can take advantage of our early retirement package. In the odd case, this may be a good opportunity to can non-performers. Gloria: I've talked to ER, and there aren't too many of those any more. Hopefully, we won't lose people because of the new drug testing regulation, either. Gregory: This reorganization and the new company policies will make us leaner and meaner. Are the new employee contracts ready? Gloria: Yes they are, and all other appropriate forms have been modified. I've also set things in motion to revise our orientation process. We're ready to go! Gregory: Great! I think we've covered all the bases. I'll set up a general meeting for next Monday to make the announcement. 中: 在以下这段对话中,Gregory Cosgrove是一家大型电信公司的首席执行官,而Gloria Atkinson是其人事部的主管。

他们正在谈论一次大规模的重组计划。 Gregory: Gloria,在我正式宣布重组之前,我想最后再听一下你的意见。 Gloria: 我把整个计划又理了一遍。我肯定这次重组带来的振荡会很小。因为我们没有大规模的解雇或裁员计划。 Gregory: 这一开始就是我们的一个重要目标。而且,假如被裁职位上的雇员符合我们的用人要求,我们将向他们提供再培训的机会以使他们适应我们新岗位的需要。如果他们接受这样的安排,就仍有工作。 Gloria: 这真是个不错的做法。但即便是这样,可能会有些人不愿 意中途更换工种,他们仍有可能提出辞呈。 Gregory: 这点我也想到了。我们将给决定辞职的员工一笔相当公道的补偿金。有些人还可以领到我们的提早退休金。说不定这还是我们解雇不称职员工的好机会呢。

Gloria: 我与雇员关系部谈过,这样的情况已经不再那么多见了。另外,我们希望不要因为这次新的药检规定而造成公司人员损失。 Gregory: 这次重组加上新的公司章程将使我们减轻负担,提高效率。对了,新的雇用合同准备好了吗? Gloria: 已经准备好了。其他相关的表格也都经过改进了。对熟悉环境步骤的修改也已在着手进行之中。一切都已就绪。 Gregory: 好极了!我想我们已将方方面面都考虑周全了。下周一我将召开全体大会宣布进行重组。


A:Hello!B;Hello,is Doris available?A:This is Doris ,. Who's calling please?B:Hi, Doris, this is Mike calling from Parker's Dentistry, I'm calling to confirm your appointment for tomorrow morning at 9 am with Dr.Parker..A: Oh, I almost forgot, Thank you for calling to remind me. Actually. I do need to change the time of my appointment,. I have a scheduling conflict. And can't make it that early.B: If I put you in at a later spot, would that work out?A : It would have to be after lunch. Do you have anything available about 2 o'clock?B : Sorry ma'm, the only opening we have after lunch is 1:15, but I might be able to work you in after 4 .would that be a better time?A :That's alright,. I think I should be able to make it at 1:15. Can you put me down for that time slot?B :No problem. I have you appointment changed from tomorrow morning to tomorrow afternoon at 1:15.A : Wonderful. Thanks very much.您好! 乙,您好,是多丽丝呢? 答:这是多丽丝。

谁的电话吗? 乙:嗨,多丽丝,这是迈克从帕克的牙科致电的话,我打电话来确认您的预约明天上午9时与Dr.Parker .. 答:噢,我差点忘了,谢谢你的电话,提醒我。实际上。我需要改变我的任命时间。我有一个安排冲突。并不能认为早。 乙:如果我将在稍后的位置你,将这项工作呢? 答:它必须是午餐后。你有什么东西可以用大约2点钟? 乙:对不起ma'm,只有开放,我们午饭后是1:15,但我也许能工作,你在后4。将这是一个更好的时间? 答:这是正常的。我想我应该能够在1点15分了。你可以把我下来的那个时段? 乙:没问题。我中有你的任命改为明天上午1:15至明天下午。 答:好极了。非常感谢。 :Hello,Bill Burton speaking,What can I do for you?B:Hello,Mr.Burton.This is Jenny of Bradford and Sons returining your call.I'm sorry you missed me when you called my office this morning.My secretary said you called concerning our meeting next Tuesday?A:Yes,Ms.Jenkins,thank you for returning my call.I'm glad to finally get a hold of you.I wanted to let know I will not be able to make our meeting next Tuesday.I will be out of town that day.Is there any possibility we can move the meeting to Monday?B:I'm sorry,I'm afraid I'm completey booked on Monday.Would it be possible to postpone until you return?A:Oh dear,I was counting on taking care of our meeting before I leave.but I suppose I could shuffle a few things.Yes,we can arrange something.I'll be back Thursday morning.What about Thursday afternoon? Would that work for you?B:That should be fine,Shall we say about 2 o'clock?A;Perfact.I'll look forward to seeing you at 2 o'clock next Thursday afternoon.If you need to change the time, please feel free to call me on my cell phone.B:Thanks,Mr.Burton. T'll see you on Thursday.您好,比尔伯顿说,我能为你做? 乙:您好,Mr.Burton.This是布拉德福德和儿子珍妮returining您call.I'对不起你想念我的时候你叫我办公室morning.My秘书说,你对我们的要求在下周二的会议? 答:是的,Ms.Jenkins,感谢我的call.I回到'米高兴终于得到一个you.I持有让你想知道我将无法使我们的会议将于明年Tuesday.I出城这day.Is有任何可能性,我们可以将会议星期一? 乙:对不起,我怕我completey上Monday.Would才有可能推迟,直到返回预订? 答:哦,亲爱的,我是到本次会议之前,我leave.but照顾我想我可以洗牌一些things.Yes计算,我们可以安排something.I'回来2月29日星期四下午morning.What?请问,对你的工作? 乙:那应该是不错,可以说是大约2点钟? 阿; Perfact.I'当地雇员期待在2点钟看到你在下周四afternoon.If您需要更改时间,请随时致电我的手机。

乙:谢谢,Mr.Burton。 T'll周四看到你。 自己想想 也行,,网上很多的


orede 是神马?


S:I'm glad to have the opportunity of visiting your corporation. I hope we can do business together.

A:It's a great pleasure to meet you, Mr Smith.I believe you have seen our exhibits in the show room.What is it in particalar you're interested in?

S:I'm interested in your toy bears.I think some of them will find a ready market in America.Here is a list of requirements. And I am wondering whether I can have your lowest quotations.

A:I'll do that. But ,the price depends greatly on the order.

S:1200. And we can have a long-term cooperation.

A: We're ready to reduce our prices by 6 percent.

S:I think it still high, I can get a lower price elsewhere.

A:How much do you mean then? Can you give me a rough ideal?

S:I'd say a reduction of at least 20 percent.

A:Impossible.Everyone in the trade knows that Chinese goods are of superior quality to those from other countries. It is hard for us to offer a lower price,what about 10 percent?

S:Ah, I think it will be OK. How long does it usually take you to make delivery?

A:As a rule, we deliver all our orders within 3 months after receipt of the covering letters of credit.





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