

03月15日 编辑 39baobao.com



a “Learn Chinese, Sing Chinese Songs” Foreigners' Talent Show will be held in Our school on July 18. I know that you work in a company downtown and like singing. I think this is a good chance for you to show your singing talent, and how well you've learned Chinese.

If you would like to try, you will have to go to the Student union to sign up before the end of June. If there is anything I can do for you, I would be more than glad to help.


The exhibition of school's history which cover an area of 300 sq.m is on the fisrt floor of school library with a history of 40 years.there are articles,pictures,objects,and videos in the exhibition,including the contents of the development of school since 1942 and a brief introduction of every school master.And also on display are those teachers and students who win the awards every year, the teaching principle and the great achievements of this school.The exhibition aims at acknowleging the long-standing history and rich culture of the school ,which can encourage students to study hard ,make them gratified to the Alma mater and initiate them to serve the motherland....


雅思语法错误林林总总还是不少的,威学托福老师一般会分为以下几类:非谓语动词使用不当、时态混乱、表述累赘、用词不当(如磁性混淆、同义词错用、固定搭配错误等)如 非谓语动词使用不当原句:Comparing with the money people earns, the sense of achievement is more important。改后:Compared with the money people earns, the sense of achievement is more important。此处是动词compare的现在分词和过去分词使用混淆了。在英语中,动词的现在分词往往表示的是主动的意思,过去分词则表示被动的含义。原句想表达的是“将成就感与钱相比”,“把…与…相比”是明显的被动含义,因此应该使用compared。又或者是 表述累赘 原句:Internet plays an important and indispensible role in people's life today。改:Internet plays an indispensible role in people's life today。



英语应用文写作试卷一、邀请信 1、I"d like ...to come to dinner 非常希望...共进晚餐 2、request the pleasure of 恭请... 3、The favor of a reply is requested 敬赐复函 4、May I have th...


英语应用文写作Hi Peter, I have a good news to share with you. We will hold a competition of LEARNING CHINESE & SINGING CHINESE SONGS on July 18. Registrationis due by June 30...


应用文写作格式八种常见应用文格式 夫子 1.书信 一般书信(包括请柬)包括五个部分: (1)称呼。信纸第一行顶格写,后面加冒号。 (2)正文。第二行空两格写起,转行顶格。可有若干段落。 (3)结尾。正文写完,...

应用文写作计划的写作要求是什么一、 新闻 二、 新闻的写作 三、 消息的写作 四、 通讯的写作 五、 新闻写作中数字的运用 六、 怎样写文献综述 七、 公文 八、 计划与总结的写作 九、 简报的写作 十、 通...

如何写作才能避免在雅思考试中的常见语法错误归纳一、不一致所谓不一致不光指主谓不一致,还包括了数的不一致、时态不一致以及代词不一致等。 二、修饰语错位英语与汉语不同,同一个修饰语置于句子不同的位置,句子的含义可能引...

应用文写作多选题一、多项选择题(共20道小题,共100.0分) 1. 函包括 等种类。A. 商洽函 B. 询问函 C. 答复函 D. 请示函 E. 周知函 知识点:第四章国家行政机关公文写作 学生答案:[A;B;C;D;E;] 标准...

应用文写作多选命令的结构包括 等内容。 标题 令号 正文 落款 按语 命令具有 等特点。 向下行文 严格的作者限定 强制性 指挥性 法规性 应用文的语言应符合 等要求。 准确 花哨 简明 丰富...
