

02月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[写一篇我的梦想当医生的作文300左右]【我的梦想当一名医生作文】 理想是海中的风向标,理想是高山上的雪莲,理想是风浪中的小船,载着我划向胜利的彼岸.我的理想是当一名医生. 我认为医生这个职业很崇高、高尚,可以救...+阅读

My dream is to be a good kindergarten teacher. Teachers play an key role in a person's growth. It was the teachers who pour to us fundamental world views,.Tacher is of great importance not only to our physical health but to our mental wealth.When it comes to a kindergarten teacher,we have more responsibility to educate and protect children.Because children are vulnerable.They need our careful treatment.When children at a very young age,they need a fun and interesting childhood. It is easy to be a teacher , but it is anything but easy to be a good teacher. But how to be a good kindergarten teacher? Traditionally, a standard good teacher should be elegant, honest, conscientious, responsible and knowledgeable. It seems that there are never enough beautiful words to describe the standards of a good teacher. A big problem is that the teachers' hard work is always appraised by others. For example, in the economic world, they are paid much less than business man, sometimes they will find it hard to resist the temptation of jump into the hot economic market. To be worse, their work are not always appraised by students, who are always the single in the whole family, while the family spend less and less time in the education of children, which makes the youth lonely, exclusive and aggressive. If a teacher is not good at controlling his temper and the whole class, a heavy atmosphere will soon hover on the class,.How to break the ice, how to adjust his own mood? It a challenge to deal with. No wonder there are so many cases that teacher abuses his students. From my reflection and above analysis , I think the most important quality for a good teacher is to have extraordinary passion for life and the career of education. It's only a teacher who have great affection in his career can really love his students and contribute to it all by his heart,. What's more a nowadays teacher should be patient, and have a hight EQ. Of course ,knowledge is always the core of education, So a good teacher should promote himself to rearranged his knowledge system to keep in line with social progress. This is some fraction of my personal reflection.about kindergarten teacher.



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