

02月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[跪求一篇辞职信范文]辞 职 报 告 尊敬的公司领导: 您好!首先,我很感谢公司领导给我一个在XX公司工作的机会,我也很重视在XX公司这一年的工作经历,而且很荣幸自己能成为xx公司这个充满活力的团体的一...+阅读

I work four and a half years, a serious and responsible work, have a good team spirit as well as colleagues at work and the ability to coordinate, to closely follow the market and give full play to their creativity and clever use of the design of the product may be based on the market, the international fashion trends or customer requirements, the independent design of the entire product development and integration in the design features in the design of their own. The following is my more background for you reference.

My educational background

Graduate institutions: the University of Guangzhou workers

Highest level of education: college graduates - 2003-07-01

My language ability

Foreign Languages: English well

Mandarin level: the level of fine Cantonese: Excellent

My ability to work and other expertise

Familiar with the male and female leisure bags, shoes, belts and so on, can be independently developed set of products!

Of printing, bronzing, washing, and process a wealth of practical experience.

Proficient in photoshop cs image processing, graphics CoreIDRAW9.0 familiar.

Dreamweaver MX for page design and flash animation.



跪求一篇新学期新计划英文作文 120词左右求大神帮忙啊The new term is coming and I will be wiser and wiser, because i will learn more knowlege. I will do more meaningful things that i think. First,I will get back t...

跪求一篇慈善助学申请书范文就好!急慈善助学金申请书 我是一名喜爱读书、热爱集体并且性格温和的女孩。我出生在一个贫穷而又落后的小村。家中有五口人,,在家务农,由于多年的劳累,父母两人身体状况较差,母亲身体更...

求一篇大学生有关物理专业方面的个人今后职业规划的范文主要是看你什么专业的,这个才能为你自己做出规划。我这儿有好几份不同专业的先给你一份为梦想而拼搏文/ 雷澄(大一 08级 信息与计算科学 ) 前言 一个人的人生道路不是上帝安排...


跪求!一篇转正申请范文尊敬的人事部: 我于二○○四年六月二十五日进入公司,根据公司的需要,目前担任XXX一职,负责总经办内勤管理工作。 本人工作认真、细心且具有较强的责任心和进取心,勤勉不懈,极富工...

跪求一周的学习小结范文最好是初中的上初中已经有一周了。在这一周里,我结识了许多新朋友,也对新老师,新环境,越来越熟悉。 在我们2班里,一共有八名同学是小学时一个班的。这一周,蔚然同学去参加游泳比赛去了,一直都没...

急跪求一封自我鉴定书你好,谢谢,望采纳! 自我鉴定书范文 1.政治表现。 2.学习表现。 3.工作和道德表现。 4.缺点及今后努力的方向。 [范文参考] 自我鉴定本人这一年以来,能积极参加政治学习,关心国家...

求一篇英文范文自我介绍Hello, everyone!I came from Laifeng in Hubei Enshi, which is a small developing town. My hobbies are walking, seeing scenery and cheating and playing games on i...

求一篇4000字左右的服装厂实习工作心得总结范文假期间我为了增加实践经验,我到了服装厂进行实习,短短的1个月中,使我经历了很多,成长了很多.在这1个月的实习中, 我由不认识到逐步认识的过程中,我在采购和思想上有了明显收获,现以...
