
在英文写作中有什么词能代替 cause的词

02月13日 编辑 39baobao.com

[游戏找你妹的英文简介官方一点]This is a combination of traditional fault series elements and classic Cosplay series of elements of the game. Have a funny story, witty and funny picture, cont...+阅读


1. result in

2. lead to

3. bring about[例句]这导致了声音的失真。

cause作名词,意思是事业; 动机; 理由的同义词:

1. reason

2. excuse

3. grounds

4. motive

5. motive 英[ˈməʊtɪv] 美[ˈmoʊtɪv] n. 动机,主旨; (艺术作品的) 主题,题材; adj. 动机的; 运动的; 发动的; vt. 促使; [例句]Police have ruled out robbery as a motive for the killing.警方已排除因抢劫而杀人的可能。[其他] 复数:motives

6. justification英[ˌdʒʌstɪfɪˈkeɪʃn] 美[ˌdʒʌstəfɪˈkeʃən] n. 辩解; 正当的理由; 无过失; [例句]To me the only justification for a zoo is educational对我来说,动物园存在的唯一正当理由是其教育作用。[其他] 复数:justifications

7. need

8. pretext 英[ˈpri:tekst] 美[ˈpriˌtɛkst] n. 借口,托辞; 假象,掩饰; vt. 借口,假托; [例句]They wanted a pretext for subduing the region by force他们想找借口用武力征服这个地区。[其他] 复数:pretexts


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