

02月11日 编辑 39baobao.com

[表彰大会观后感]获奖感言 经过一年的努力,我很荣幸地获得了学院单项一等奖这个荣誉。在过去的一年中,我在学习生活中都积极向上,努力拼搏。我是一个个性开朗乐观向上的人,我热爱生活,热爱祖国,与...+阅读

At first glance, life in Bangkok might seem no different than in Canada or America. Be wary, though, as appearances can be deceiving. My daily 15 minute morning walk from Thewet pier on the Chao Phraya River to my school reveals the reality.

Most people on their way to work wearing western clothes and the passing cars seem amazingly familiar. But look -- what are those odd yellow and blue three wheeled vehicles that say 'taxi' on a sign on their roof? Notice the plentiful motorcycle taxis with beautiful women passengers in short skirts sitting sidesaddle as they ride to the end of the street. Dogs, dirty and bedraggled, sleep in the shade beneath parked cars.

As I walk towards the outdoor market, I cross the canal. On the steps of the bridge vendors sell an unusual variety of animals; turtles, eels, fish and birds. People will buy them and release them back into the air or water in order to accumulate merit, a strong Buddhist custom in Thailand.

I walk through the market which has been operating since before five A.M. A monk in an orange saffron robe and barefoot receives alms from a shopkeeper on the street as he returns to his temple for morning breakfast and study. People sit at tables on the street and eat their breakfast -- generally noodles or rice with an amazing variety of meats or seafood and vegetables. (Very strange breakfasts indeed, to the typical Westerner.) Students walk past in their school uniforms of white shirts and black or blue pants, shorts or skirts.

After fifteen minutes, I arrive at my school. All that I have seen is by now quite familiar and I have to work to keep my eyes open. It is only when I am back in Canada that I really and truly miss the busy and fascinating street life that is Thailand.


亲亲我影片观后感400字亲情,是木兰替父的故事;亲情,是孟母三迁的佳话;亲情,是展开全部 阿炳二泉映月的旋律。 《亲亲我》这部影片里,让我印象最深的就是这一幕:爸爸带虫虫出去玩,在街上,虫虫看见爷爷在和朋...








