

02月10日 编辑 39baobao.com


How to Make My Hometown More Appealing to People of My Age(注意of) My hometown is a beautiful city with comparably(comparatively) advanced economy and well-developed living environment. But there is still something that could be improved to make it more appealing to youngsters (of) my age-around 20 What is more attractive for the young may not be carnies or pleasure grounds but galleries, exhibitions and various museums on arts, history, science and technology, and nature. However, most tickets of these places in my city are unfortunately expensive, making it impossible to visit frequently. Moreover, many facilities and exhibits are not kept in good condition, and some are too out-of-date, which have (made it) lose appeal to modern people. If my hometown could lower the ticket price or just make it free for the young, we would have numerous places to spend our leisure time in while learning a lot. And if those old museums could be renewed and expanded, they would get much more visitors and attention. Another recreational activity (popular放在这里比较连贯) amongst the young is (doing去掉) sports. Many girls and boys (of) my age like exercising a lot. But there is a lack of gyms and facilities in my city. Most good gyms belong to schools and are occupied by students and athletic teams. During vocations they are not open , which makes us have difficulty in finding a place to exercise with most free grounds (being可以去掉) in poor condition. If our city could build more gyms and construct better facilities, it would not only benefit us but also contribute to the health of all citizens, because it makes people easier and more willing to do exercises and keep fit. Since many people (of) my age are students, the scarcity of libraries is very severe in my hometown. With most good and big libraries being in suburban areas and urban libraries being in poor condition, it is quite inconvenient for us to borrow books and search for academic references. If my hometown could rebuild those old ones or improve the transportation system providing an easier 改的主要是些语法上的问题 最后一句没写完 楼主请根据自己的意思补充吧


有什么好的托福写作书《新托福写作金牌教程(基础版)》——夯实基础 我给大家推荐的第一本书是高等教育出版社近期出版的《新托福写作金牌教程(基础版)》。此书是新航道学校新托福基础班的指定培训教...

托福有什么推荐的书籍托福考试官方指南(OG)》《新托福考试专项进阶》《高分新托福听力120》《45天搞定托福词汇》《词以类记》《王玉梅托福词汇》 《托福核心词汇21天突破》《口语用这本就够了》...


托福考试作文参考书哪个最好先介绍一些实用的托福模考书: 初级备考阶段: 1、OG(official guide)。这个简称,ETS直接出题的官方指南。题目简单,但是很有权威性,适合研究托福考试背景知识和考试技巧以及ETS出...

急求托福好书!首先需要说明的是,你要找托福资料,需要去两大留学论坛:taisha和寄托,还有就是“小马过河”专门搞toefl的,我一回儿给你推荐的很多资料都需要你去上面搜。 好了,下面开始了: 1,阅读:OG...



托福写作复议要多久托福成绩复议申请时间 1、申请复议的时间: 考试结束后三个月内,可对您的写作和口语考试成绩提出复议。 2、单项及双项复议: A. 可申请写作或口语单项复议,也可同时对两项提出申...

安卓开发新手求高手指教不是无效.二十这个方法在api11以后就不推荐使用了.你可以点击这个方法的文档看一下.官方推荐的用法是用Notification.Builer(Context)来构造.类似下面这样.你看一下吧 Notif...
