

02月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求雅思作文10篇。200字以内的]你好,很高兴为你解答:雅思写作7分范文:International tourism has brought enormous benefit to many places. At the same time, there is concern about its impact on local...+阅读


1、Wrap this package for me. 给我把这包裹包好。寻求帮助时的用语,当你不知道怎样打包或者没有时间打包时,你可以使用这句话向他人寻求帮助:Can you wrap this package for me?雅思口语基本句型

2、Why are you quitting? 你为什么要辞职?当某人问他人辞职原因时可以用该句。quit vi. 离开, 辞职, 停止 vt. 离开, 放弃, 解除,have notice to quit接到解雇的通知雅思口语基本句型

3、She feels pity for him. 她同情他。当某人发生了什么不好的事情,你可以说:sb. feels pity for sb.例如:She feels pity for him.=She feels sorry for him. 她同情他。雅思口语基本句型

4、Hurry up; the train is about to start. 快快!火车就要开了。解释:be about to do sth 中的about 作形容词讲;意思是“即将[马上]做某事”这个句型在雅思口语基本句型中也是非常重要的,大家要注意。例如:Hurry up; the film's about to start. 快点,电影要开始了。not be about to do sth [非正式]不打算做某事例如:I've never smoked in my life and I'm not about to start now.我从未抽过烟,现在也不打算抽。雅思口语基本句型

5、Nice talking to you. 很高兴跟你谈话。通常是在结束谈话时,也就是在要分开时说的话。类似的说法有Nice meeting you. 动名词表示动作的结束、完成。这是一个相对比价常见的雅思口语句型,但是却经常被忽略掉,所以在备考的时候,要注意啦。如果是在一开始要用Nice to meet you. 或者Nice to talk to you.雅思口语基本句型

6、It was so embarrassing. 真令人困窘,好糗。这句话的意境,主要是什么事让人难为情。举个例子A:Tom is a selfish man.B: Stop talking!!He is behind you.A:Why don't you tell me earlier? That was so embarrassing.雅思口语基本句型

7、I need first aid. 我需要急救。紧急情况,你受伤了,你就可以说了例句:Help, Help...My leg is badly hurt. I need first aid.相关词汇:希望能帮助到你,望采纳!!!!


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