

02月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求英语书信作文]帮你写了要有报酬哦 DearXXX, summer holiday is coming .so our company wang to go to somewhere beautifui for a holiday.can you give us some advice? first ,wo hope...+阅读

A Sad Day(Diary) Last friday evening, I bought a a second-hand bike. This bike looked like my last bike that was stolen last term. But I was so happy that I have a bike again. However, it was so unlucky that the bike was stolen on Sunday in the campus when I was having class. That bike I just had ride three times. It was such a sad thing. I hate the thieves who stole three bikes of mine. It seems that I don't have the right to own a bike . I was disappointed at buying a bike again....


英语写一封信Dear webmaster, Thanks for the prompt response you have forwarded to me regarding the problem I have on my website. I understand an investigation will be necess...

英语作文一封信Dear Robert, 亲爱的罗伯特: I'm glad to receive your letter. Now I will tell you something about my plan for summer vacation after the final exam. Firstly, I will...

英语书信范文简单点的Dear Li, How are you? i miss you so much. Our school will holp a sports meeting. and i hope you will be here. And then, our school will be very beautiful.i am w...

写作文中遇到的困难作文共两篇 困难就像一座高山,永远也爬不到尽头;困难就像一条小溪,也永远没有尽头;困难就像夜晚的繁星一样,数也数不清。当然,这只是失败者眼里的困难,但是我不怕遇到困难,遇到困难只要...


急需100个做动作猜单词的英语单词急需急需谢谢英文赏析: Accordingtohisfriend,JamesW.Webster,“IdidtakehimtoLadySitwell'spartyinSeymourRoad.Hethereforthefirsttimesawhiscousin,thebeautifulMrs.Wilmot.Whenweretu...

谁能帮我出3个英语猜词题就是你说一个英语句子猜一个单词需1) Do not run around because the floors may be slippery. The chinese meaning for "Slippery" is _________. A 平坦的,B湿滑的 C狭窄的 D冰凉的 2) After graduation, Cha...

雅思写作如何达到8分?需要达到哪几点第一步,关于审题。 很多考生发帖、回帖说自己偏题了或者询问自己的写作是否离题。确实,写作的雅思写作大作文混合交叉类型出现极其频繁,审题难度变大,加上考生不善于灵活老师的...

