

01月19日 编辑 39baobao.com

[公司要开展精益生产请问精益生产管理项目中常用到哪些工具呢]精益生产管理中常用工具: 1、5S与目视控制 “5S”是整理(Seiri) 、整顿(Seiton) 、清扫(Seiso) 、清洁(Seikeetsu)和素养(Shitsuke)这5个词的缩写 ”5S” ,起源于日本。5S是创建和保持组...+阅读

1) 表示添加信息:and, also, too, furthermore, besides, moreover, in addition, what is more…;

(2) 表示因果关系:because, for, for this reason, because of, since, as a result, thus, therefore, so, consequently, of course, accordingly…;

(3) 表示文章意义的转折或对比:although, however, on the contrary, still, but, otherwise, despite, nevertheless, though, in fact, on the other hand, as a matter of fact…;

(4) 表示文章中事件发生的时空顺序:first, second, third, after that, meanwhile, then, before, next, formerly, later, finally, in the end, at last…;

(5) 表示列举:firstly, secondly, for one thing…for another, first of all, to begin with, then, last…;

(6) 表示举例、解释:for example, for instance, that is, namely, to illustrate…;

(7) 表示总结:in short, to sum up, in conclusion, briefly, on the whole, to conclude, to summarize…


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