

01月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

能够able→ capable, in a(ny) position 一直all the time→ continually, continuously, constantly, perpetually 许多地a lot→ noticeably, considerably, a great deal, substantially 许多的a lot of→ many, numerous, a wide variety of (themes), a whole range of, a wide spectrum of (problems, themes, etc),an abundance of (opportunities, sources etc。 ) 总是always→ invariably 数量amount→ quantity 结果as a result→ consequently 本质上basically→ essentially, in essence, substantially 组成be, amount to→ constitute 下降become smaller→ be on the decline, be on the decrease, decline, decrease, diminish, dwindle, recede 等等 变糟糕become worse→ deteriorate 在 之前before→ prior to 开始begin→ commence 更好better→ superior 习惯于be(come) used to→ be accustomed to 严重的,重大的big→ major, significant, substantial 执行carry out→ conduct, execute, commit, implement 更改change→ alter, alteration, modify, modification 办理,执行do→ conduct, transact(business) 未能do not→ fail to, omit to。
