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[中班下半学期英语教学计划]中班下半学期英语教学计划 学习外语的传统方法根深蒂固.在当今社会对英语的重视程度是很高的,对于幼儿来说及早接触到英语锻炼他们的听说能力是有百利而无一害的.初学英语要...+阅读

34. I agree the latter idea.

改进: I agree with the latter idea.

35. Many people dissatisfy with the status quo.

改进: Many people are dissatisfied with the status quo.

36. So I feel breathe more fortably now.

改进: So I feel more fortable now when I breathe.

37. People should learn knowledge no matter how old they are.

改进:People should learn no matter how old they are/ People are never

too old to learn.

38. No one knows all the things.

改进: No one knows everything.

39. I want to live in a quiet place to admire peaceful life.

改进: I want to live in a quiet place to enjoy peaceful life.

40. Each form of hing friends has its advantages

改进: Each way of choosing friends has its advantages.

41. I was admitted to a key university for which few dared to sign up.

改进: I was admitted to a key university to which few dared to apply

42. Luckily, he recognized an American professor.

改进: Luckily, he knew an American professor.

43. They will learn the bad habits.

改进: They will develop bad habits.

44. In this continued process, people make progress.

改进: In this cycle, people make progress.

45. Lastly, higher education is equal to higher salary.

改进: Lastly, higher education means higher salary.

46. By making friends who are different from ourselves, we can make up

for deficiency.

改进: By making friends who are different from ourselves, we can make


for our shortings.

47. A wrong decision will bring even worse fact.

改进: A wrong decision will bring even worse result.

48. You spend all your life to fulfill your willing.

改进: You devote all your life to the fulfillment of your dream.

49. Children should be taught disciplines in order to oid

unnecessary lost.

改进: Children should be taught discipline in order to oid

unnecessary loss.

50. I felt alone.

改进: I felt lonely.


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