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[中班下半学期英语教学计划]中班下半学期英语教学计划 学习外语的传统方法根深蒂固.在当今社会对英语的重视程度是很高的,对于幼儿来说及早接触到英语锻炼他们的听说能力是有百利而无一害的.初学英语要...+阅读






1. 简单连词:and, or, but, if, because

2. 关联连词:both… and…, not only… but also…

3. 短语连词:as if, as long as, in order that

4. 分词连词:supposing, considering, provided

2 十大闪光点之六——理由段公式

1. 序列词:

the 序数词 / first and foremost / last but not least

the other / another

a third

one of

2. + n. :

point / thing / fact / factor

merit / demerit / positive influence / advantage

rule / principle

3. + VP :

to remember / to be kept in mind / ought to be taken into consideration shall be borne / kept in mind / could not be fot / neglected / ignored

worth mentioning

of great importance / significance

holding the balance

I would like to mention / that talks / that holds water

4. + is that

5. + 从句



1. 昂贵:costly, expensive, lish, extragant

2. 帮助:helpful, useful, beneficial, think / speak / praise highly of sth., assist, free … from, make contribution to, do one’s bit to

3. 便利:efficiency, convenience, easy, handy, simple, fortable, ready-to-use, friendly interface

4. 节省:se / waste time / money / space / energy, time-consuming, “Live now, pay later.”

5. 节约:economical, thrifty/thrift, frugal/frugality

6. 经验:social experience, enter the society, accumulate, inexperienced, green-hand, step by step

7. 提高:improve, enhance, develop, upgrade, better, perfect, upgrade, advance, make much progress/improvement in …(field)

8. 重视:pay attention to, attach importance to, lay / give emphasis on, give emphasis to, list sth. on the top of agenda, rank the first, sth. es first

9. 重要:important, indispensable, essential, crucial, decisive, vital, fundamental, decisive, critical, inseparable, be of less importance, bee one’s utmost concern

10. 信任:credit, decent background, world-renowned, trustworthy, respect, honor


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