

01月26日 编辑 39baobao.com

[板凳游戏]设计意图: 随着现代家庭生活水平的不断提高,各种时尚玩具(价格高、科技含量高、对幼儿教育意义与发展功能不高)占据了幼儿有限的游戏空间。其实,生活中的许多普通用具都富有潜在...+阅读

筷子夹乒乓球 Ping-pong ball pickupPick up ping-pong balls by chopsticks as many as possible within a period of time. The one who has picked up the most ping-pong balls is the winner.萝卜蹲 Squat carrotFive to ten people in a group, each player represents a kind of fruit or vegetable, e.g. pear, apple, carrot, water melon, cabbage. The first player will start to say: 'Squat xx (xx means the fruit represented by himself), squat xx, carrot squat after xx.' The player who presents carrot should say 'squat carrot, squat carrot, pear squat after carrot '. The player who speaks wrong or no action will be punished.抢板凳 Snatches backless stoolFive players and four backless stools, four stools in the center, people should walk around the stools when drumming, once the sound of drum stops, players have to snatch the stools and sit down, each stool for just one player, the one who havnt sit on a stool is out of game; each round we will take away a stool, until there is one stool and one winner.击鼓传花 Passing downPassing down a flower or sth one by one when drumming, once the sound of drum stops, the flower cannot be pass down anymore, and the one who has the flower will be punished.打这么多字不容易啊,全原创的


我和板凳做游戏设计意图: 随着现代家庭生活水平的不断提高,各种时尚玩具(价格高、科技含量高、对幼儿教育意义与发展功能不高)占据了幼儿有限的游戏空间。其实,生活中的许多普通用具都有很强的...

执子之手,与子偕老《击鼓》赏析出自先秦诗人佚名的《击鼓击鼓其镗,踊跃用兵。土国城漕,我独南行。 从孙子仲,平陈与宋。不我以归,忧心有忡。 爰居爰处?爰丧其马?于以求之?于林之下。 死生契阔,与子成说。执子之...

随意生成击鼓传花的小游戏吃完点心休息间隙,沈亦瑶到益智区拿了一个软毛球,然后和沈屹尘、季信蓝说: 我们来玩击鼓传花的游戏吧! 他们听了之后都开心地说: 好呀。 沈亦瑶说: 那你们先坐好传毛球,我来拍手,当...
