

05月05日 编辑 39baobao.com



1.Which American man has had the largest family?

2.A hungry donkey was tied to a rope eight feet long. About thirty feet away there was a basket of fresh carrots. The donkey wanted to eat those carrots.How did he reach them?

3.What can you hold in your left hand,but not in your right hand?

4.I he seven letters.

The first two stand for a boy.

The first three stand for a girl.

The first four stand for a bre boy.

5.Why does a mans hair bee grey before his moustaches?

6.Why are people close to their mothers instead of their fathers?

7.Where can you easily put your right hand,but can never put your left hand?

8.What question can never get answer YES.?

9.What is the beginning of everything,also the end of life?

10.Mary had a big dog,and I had a smaller one.One day,the two dogs raced to see which ran faster.The dogs were soon tired out. Finally,my dog won the 10-mile race. Now which dog had more sweat on its body?

Keys ( X )

1.Gee Washington.He was Father of America.

2.The donk

ey can eat those carrots easily. Because the other end of the rope was not tied to anything.

3.You can hold your right hand in your left hand, but you can not hold your right hand in your right hand.


5.Because a mans moustaches e up after his hair.

6.Because their father is always farther(father).

7.You can easily put your right hand on your left elbow, but you never put your left hand there.

8.Are you asleep?

9.The letter E.

10.Neither dog had sweat on its body.Dogs never sweat.



1. Why is jaywalking tiring


2.Why are giraffes considered intelligent


3.Why are horses considered talented in painting



1.Because it may make one he a rundown feeling.


2.Because its the highest form of animal life.


3. Because they draw a lot of things.



1.run-down adj.身体不好的,音似 run down(被


jaywalk/DNeiwk/ v.乱穿马路

2.high adj.高的

the highest form最高级形态

3.draw v.拖,拉;画


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