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十道有趣的小学英语题 (2011-01-09 10:53:17)

标签: 小学英语 育儿 分类: 教育

1. He is waiting _____ the bus stop.

A. at B. for C. in D. to

2. There are a lot _____ people today than yesterday.

A. of B. most C. / D. more

3. I'm sorry I cannot help _____ the work.

A. to finish B. finishing C. finished D. to finishing

4. —Would you like some tea,please?

—Yes. I prefer tea _____ sugar.

A. to B. for C. with D. of

5. China is larger than _____ country in Africa.

A. any other B. other C. others D. any

6. There're little oranges in the box,_____ ?

A. are there B. aren't there C. are they D. aren't they

7. Peter makes a bike _____ on the road.

A. ride B. to ride C. riding D. rides

8. —How deep is the hole?

—It is _____.

A. four metre deep B. four metres deep

C. four-metre deep D. four-metres-deep

9. The doctor did all she could _____ the poor girl.

A. help B. helped C. to help D. helping

10. Mary thinks that she will visit her relatives next week,_____ she?

A. doesn't B. does C. won't D. will


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小学英语介词大全及翻译表示时间:at,in,on,by,through 表示附近:near,by,beside,at 表示地点:at,in,on 表示除外:besides,except,except for,but 表示方位:in,to,on 表示上下:above,below,over,under,on,...


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