

01月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

摘 要作为中华传统文化经典影视的巅峰之作,《霸王别姬》自播出以来,短时间内便享誉中外,获奖无数。影片对于中国社会进行了极致描述,以三个底层小人物的人生命运之途,以小见大,揭露了当时中国底层社会人民悲惨艰辛的生活。影片中表达了多重涵义,既有对人性的揭露和思考,也有对于美好爱情的讴歌以及对于中国传统文化传承和坚守的呼吁。


影片对于我们人生也有重要启迪:即使生活不堪入目,总还是有值得我们坚守和努力追求的;即使面对残酷的现实,我们也坚信自己依旧能雕琢实力的同时怀有理想和浪漫。关键词:《霸王别姬》;蒙太奇手法;人生如戏;文化传承Abstract As the pinnacle of the classic film and television of Chinese traditional culture, "Farewell My Concubine" has enjoyed a good reputation at home and abroad in a short time and won numerous awards since it was broadcast. The film gives an extreme description of Chinese society, and reveals the miserable and hard life of the people at the bottom of China at that time. The film expresses multiple meanings, including the disclosure and thinking of human nature, the eulogy of beautiful love and the appeal for the inheritance and persistence of Chinese traditional culture. This paper makes a detailed analysis of farewell my concubine from the perspective of theme and montage techniques, summarizes and analyzes the development origin of montage art, and introduces a variety of montage techniques and their artistic effects. In addition, aiming at the montage techniques commonly used in the film, including parallel montage, repeated montage, color montage and metaphorical montage, this paper makes a profound analysis of the classic scenes in the film, and describes in detail the effects of plot, theme and characters.Finally, this paper also studies the realistic thinking behind farewell my concubine, including the difficulty of the bottom people in pursuing survival and love, the difficulty of cultural inheritance, and the infinite emotion of "life is like drama and drama is like life". The film also has important enlightenment for our life: even if life is ugly, there is always something worth adhering to and striving for; Even in the face of cruel reality, we firmly believe that we can still carve strength and have ideals and romance at the same time.Keywords: Farewell My Concubine ; montage techniques; life is like drama ; cultural inheritance绪论随着蒙太奇艺术发展至今,镜头语言、拍摄手法和场景视图构造越来越成为一部影片的重要组成部分,甚至可以认为是影片的灵魂。




